Centre for Neurodiversity
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Centre for Neurodiversity
The centre aims to facilitate collaboration with teachers, families, communities and other stakeholders to advance the knowledge, skills and support of neurodiverse individuals, in South Africa and globally.
Contact Us: neuroadmin@uj.ac.za
Based on UJ’s Soweto Campus
Areas of specialization:
Training teachers and other stakeholders on neurodivergent learning and developmental needs
Educational and psychological interventions for individuals
- Multi-sensory therapeutic environmental experiences
- Psychoeducational assessments
- Learning support
- Career transitioningTherapeutic interventions
Family support and development
- Advocacy
- Psychoeducation for families
- Family therapy
- Career transitioning
Community engagement and improvement
- Neurodiversity Awareness
- Advocacy for access, care, and support
- Psychosocial- emotional- behavioral support