PhD Graduations
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Lipeleke, F. (Prof Palmary & Prof Rugunanan). The Lived Experiences of Young Adult Female Sex Workers in Zimbabwe
Meyers, C. (Prof Rugunanan & Prof Batisai) Digital-mediated Migration and Transformative Agency: African Women Negotiating Risk in Johannesburg, South Africa
PhD Graduations 2023
Chiyangwa, B. (Prof P. Rugunanan & Prof K. Batisai). Livelihoods of Second-Generation Mozambican Migrant Youth Post Matric Education: The Case of Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga.
Patsika, T. (Prof K. Naidoo & Prof T. Uys). Young Zimbabweans and their Views of Homosexuality.
Radulovic, U. (Prof T. Uys & Prof A. Desai). State Capture, Civil Society Organisations and Whistleblowing under the Zuma Presidency.
Sibanda TS. 2023. (Prof M Hlatshwayo & Prof S Ngcwangu) Gender as a Central Organising Axis of Power: Zimbabwean Women in the Restaurant Sector in Johannesburg.
Winter, M. (Prof G. Khunou & Prof K. Batisai). Marriage, Gender and International Labour Migration: A Comparison of Immigrant and Transnational Malawian Couples in South Africa.
PhD Graduations 2022
Botha, T. (Prof T. Uys, Prof A. Desai & Dr T. Ngwane). The Housing Question: Race, Class and Space in Johannesburg 1994 – 2017.
Dzimiri, CT. (Prof K. Batisai & Prof I. Palmary). The Use of the Female Condom as an HIV Prevention Technology: Perceptions of Female Students at the University of Venda, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Kaziboni, A. (Prof T. Uys & Prof M. Galvin). Exploring Hydropolitics and Expressions of Citizenship: Three Communities in Madibeng, South Africa.
PhD Graduations 2021
Alabi, O. (Prof Naidoo & Prof Palmary). Women’s Sexual Agency and Use of Traditional Aphrodisiacs in Ilorin, North Central Nigeria.
Chipuriro, RM. (Prof Batisai & Prof Desai). Land Reform and Local Economic Development: Elderly Women Farmers’ Narratives in Shamva District, Zimbabwe.
Fobosi, SC. (Dr Ngcwangu & Prof Desai). The Impact of Taxi Recapitalisation Programme on Precarious Working Conditions within the Minibus Taxi Industry in Johannesburg.
Gumbie, T. (Prof Rugnananan & Prof Chagonda). Male Somali Refugee Livelihood Strategies and Masculinities: A Case Study of East London.
PhD Graduations 2020
Adeagbo, MJ. (Prof Naidoo & Prof Van Zyl-Schalekamp). Unplanned’ Motherhood and HIV/AIDS: Adolescents’ Experiences and Survival in Gauteng.
Bester, V. (Prof Uys & Dr Groenewald). A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Conceptual Framework to Address Unregulated Artisanal Goldmining in South Africa.
Dube, K. (Prof Uys & Prof Palmary). NGOs and Vulnerability in Rural Zimbabwe: A Case Study of CARE Interventions in the Zaka District, Masvingo.
Pontarelli, FP. (Prof Alexander & Prof Sinwell). Gramsci’s Passive Revolution and Social Movements in South Africa, 2015-2018: the student/worker rebellion and the National Union of Metalworkers.
Suleman, M. (Prof Naidoo & Prof Dadoo). Views of Muslim Religious Leaders on Violence Against Married Women.
PhD Graduations 2019
Igbanoi, OL (Prof. Chagonda and Dr Dworzanowski-Venter). Masculinity, respectability, and divergence among migrant informal traders in Johannesburg.
Kassa, H.W. (Prof Alexander & Prof Britwum). The Political Economy of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: A Comparison of Ghana and South Africa.
Mshweshwe, L (Prof Naidoo & Prof Rasool) Support for Abused Rural Women in the Eastern Cape: Views of Survivors and Service Providers.
Reijer, J. (Prof Uys & Prof Naidoo). The Well-Being of PLHIV on ART: The Case of Roma Ng’ombe and Kalingalinga, Lusaka, Zambia.
Talakinu, C. (Dr Groenewald & Prof Batisai). Female Initiation Practices: Their Influence on the Social Life and Status of Women in the Chikunda Community of Zambia.
Van der Merwe, S. (Prof Naidoo & Prof Uys). How Women Gain and Retain Management Positions: A Study of South African Female MBA Graduates.
Zvokuomba, K. (Prof Batisai & Prof Desai) The Gendered Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe; Challenges and Opportunities for Women Beneficiaries in Masvingo District.
PhD Graduations 2018
Onukogu, CJ. (Prof Rugunanan & Prof Naidoo). Identity and Integration of Second-Generation Children of Nigerian Immigrants in Johannesburg.
Phadi, M. (Prof Alexander & Prof Khunou). An Exploration of Blackness in Post-Apartheid South Africa.
Roberts, S. (Prof Uys & Prof Naidoo). Social Capital and Trust in a Risky Environment: Mozambicans in Johannesburg.
Venter, A. (Prof Senekal & Prof Uys). Social Capital and Online Learning: The Case of Unisa, South Africa.
PhD Graduations 2017
Ngwane, T. (Prof Alexander) ‘Amakomiti’ as ‘Democracy on the Margins’: Popular Committees in South Africa’s Informal Settlements.
PhD Graduation 2016
Basson, L. (Prof Alexander). South African Filmmakers’ Identities and Social Change.
Ikiara-Zamberia, CN. (Prof Alexander & Prof Uys). Municipal Solid Waste, Social Conflicts and Sustainable Cities: Johannesburg and Nairobi Compared.
Ludidi, W. (Prof Van Zyl-Schalekamp & Prof Naidoo). Understanding Sociological Factors Affecting Childbearing Choices in Rural Communities, with Specific Reference to the Eastern Cape.
Ngcwangu, SU. (Prof Buhlungu & Prof Senekal). A Sociological Assessment of South Africa’s skills development regime: 1990-2008.
Rugunanan, P. (Prof Buhlungu & Prof Smit). Forged Communities: A Sociological Exploration of Identity and Community amongst immigrant and migrant communities in Fordsburg.
Zamberia, C.I. (Prof Alexander). Municipal Solid Waste, Social Conflicts and Sustainable Cities: Johannesburg and Nairobi Compared.
PhD Graduations 2015
Adeagbo, F. (Prof Naidoo & Dr Groenewald). Same-Sex Interracial Relationships in South Africa.
Steyn, I. (Prof Buhlungu & Prof Desai). The Production and Reproduction of the Collective Identities of Two Post-Apartheid Social Movements.
PhD Graduations 2014
Shumba, R. (Prof Alexander). Social Entrepreneurship and South Africa’s Community Work Programme: A Critical Reflection on Innovation and Scale.
PhD Graduations 2013
Graham, L. (Prof Patel & Prof Uys). Youth in Transition: Identity Work, Social Network Processes and Risk Behaviors.
Groenewald, L. (Prof Bekker & Prof Uys). Informality and its Implications for Urban Citizenship: The Case of Informal Settlement in Johannesburg and Tshwane.
Hlatshwayo, M. (Prof Buhlungu & Prof Senekal). A Sociological Analysis of Trade Union Responses to Technological Changes at the Arcellor Mittal Vanderbijlpark Plant,1989-2011.
McDonald, Z. (Prof Uys, Prof Naidoo & Prof Esack). Notions of Citizenship: A Sociological Exposition of Islamic Education in Johannesburg.
PhD Graduations 2011
Abdullahi, A.A. (Prof. Senekal & Prof Van Zyl-Schalekamp). Towards a Sociology of Health Utilisation in the Case of Children with Malaria in Nigeria.
Chagonda, T. (Prof Alexander & Prof Moore). The Response of the Working Class to the Economic and Political Crisis in Zimbabwe, 1997-2008.
Dworzanowski-Venter, B. (Prof Uys, Prof Smit & Prof. Erlank). Emotional Labour, Black Men, and Caregiving: Cases from South Africa. (1850-2010).
PhD Graduations 2010
Nthambeleni, B. (Prof Alexander). The Role of Civil Society in Sustaining Democracy: A Case Study of the Soweto Civic Association.
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