Palaeo-Research Institute

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About Us

The P-RI is a palaeosciences research and training institute based at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Our Vision is to become a pan-African hub for research and teaching excellence in the palaeo-sciences, grounded in a service-orientated philosophy.

Our Mission is to develop a socially responsive environment that is integrated amongst cogent disciplines, providing a holistic, yet detailed, understanding of the last 4 million years of human evolution on the southern African landscape. Our motto “to function as a compound hafting adhesive” (i.e., to be more effective through the bonding of diverse ingredients) embodies the essence of who we are, namely, individuals from different backgrounds, with variable, but complementary sets of expertise, operating in a multi-disciplinary environment to create a formidable, excellence-driven palaeo-research instrument

What do we offer?

The Palaeo-Research Institute @ UJ is a multi-disciplinary, inter-faculty group with an extensive international training and research collaborative network. We represent a holistic approach to human evolution in sub-Saharan Africa covering the past 4 million years.

In addition to our extensive research portfolio, we offer palaeo-sciences undergraduate teaching through the Department of Anthropology  and the Department of Geology well as Postgraduate degrees in various topics in Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology. For more info on studying at the P-RI please click on the following link Study Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology at UJ .


How to reach us

For more information about the UJ Palaeo-Research Institute and how to
get involved or support our projects please contact:

The Director: Dr Dipuo Winnie Kgotleng

Tel: 011 559 1938


Administrator: Ms Mandeline Skietekat


Tel: 011 559 1744


Or find us on the following social media platforms:
Facebook: UJ-Palaeo-Institute
Twitter: @UJPalaeo