Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (PDRF)
Faculty Internal Procedure for Renewal of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
As per renewal agreement document the Post Graduate school requires renewal agreements to be submitted 2 months prior to end of current PDRF contract and the online process set out by the Post Graduate school is to be followed.
Applications are not automatically renewed.
All renewal applications serve at the Humanities Research Committee for review and approval.
In considering applications the Research Committee has regard to:
- Evidence of required 2 unit publication per year;
- Evidence of an intellectually sound research direction;
- Evidence of the ability of the supervisor to provide necessary mentoring and guidance;
- Availability of Faculty and other funds.
Applications should be submitted by proposed supervisors or by candidates to the Faculty Research Officer with the documentation as set out below:
- The Renewal application is required completed in full with all signatures – Annexure A
- The Funding approval form is required completed in full – Annexure B
- The Faculty template – Annexure C
- Work plan of PDRF