The RYSE (Resilient Youth in a Resource-Constrained Setting) study represents a comprehensive effort to delve into the intricate dynamics of the multisystemic resource combinations that contribute to the resilience of African emerging adults facing challenges. The study focused on a resource-constrained township in Mpumalanga province, aiming to gain profound insights into the factors that foster resilience among youth over time. In this study, the CSDA partnered with the University of Leicester, UK and the University of Pretoria.

Findings informed various publications that are currently under review. Findings from the study have also informed the production of a video on what young people need in order to do well. The video was screened at an event hosted in collaboration with Kids Haven and child and youth care workers. The event brought together key stakeholders, including members of the South African Police Services, the Department of Social Development, The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiatives (REPSSI), the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), various community-based organisations, as well as young people.