SARChI staff participate in interviews (radio and television) to educate the public on complex topics, building trust and credibility through their expertise. They promote research findings, ideas, and academic perspectives to a wider audience, potentially attracting funding and inspiring future generations. By participating, they shape public discourse, offering unique insights on current events and social issues. Humanizing academia, these interviews showcase the passion and personality of our staff, breaking stereotypes and fostering connections with the community. Moreover, they provide a platform to respond to controversies or misinformation, clarifying facts and debunking myths. Overall, these interviews bridge the gap between academia and the public, facilitating understanding, trust, and informed discourse on a variety of subjects.

Prof Landsberg analysis on Israeli-Hamas;

ICJ genocide case analysis

Prof Landsberg analysis on Russia-Ukraine

Prof Landsberg analysis on BRICS

Prof Landsberg analysis on Lady R

Dr Marcel Nagar analysis on AU membership of G20

Dr Marcel Nagar analysis on the state of SA