Op eds

Staff MemberDateOutlet NameTitle
Otto20 MayNews24#LadyRussiagate: A lack of strategic thinking at heart of SA’s foreign policy dilemma
Otto31 MayNews24ChatGPT: What are the ethical challenges of AI language models in higher education?
Landsberg7 JuneNews24The new post-Cold War-Cold War: Unchartered, turbulent, anarchic, and combustible
Landsberg26 JuneNews24The international legitimisation of SA: The cost of becoming America’s frienemy
Sithole12 JulyNews24An urgent quest for a South African Security Strategy in a volatile world
Nagar27 JulyThe ConversationSouth Africa is failing to live up to its constitution. Gains made since democracy are being squandered – report
Sithole T30 JulyThe ConversationZimbabwe’s ‘Patriotic Act’ erodes freedoms and may be a tool for repression
Sithole T17 AugustHeinrich Böll StiftungLevelling the playing field for political parties in Zimbabwe’s 2023 election – the role of election observation and monitoring
Sithole S17 AugustNews24A patriotic republic is in our national interest
Landsberg24 AugustNews24Western hegemony being challenged by expanded BRICS
Landsberg27 SeptemberNews24That Lady, the US and South Africa: Flipping the script again and again
Landsberg16 NovemberNews24The narrative on Israel’s project of obliteration is fast changing
Van HeerdenWeeklyNews24Different topics