X-ray analysis
Home » Faculties of Science » Research » Spectrum » Apparatus »Cameca SX-100 Microprobe
Equipped with:
- 1 vertically mounted WDS detector with LiF and PET diffracting crystals
- 1 vertically mounted WDS detector with two high intensity LLiF and LPET diffracting crystals
- 1 vertically mounted WDS detector with four standard diffracting crystals PET, TAP, PC1 (optimized for N and O) and PC2 (optimized for C and B)
- 1 vertically mounted WDS detector with four standard diffracting crystals TAP, PET, PC3 (optimized for Be) and PC) (optimized for F and O)
- 1 Bruker AXS XFLASH 4010 SDD EDS detector
- Polarizing optical microscope with transmitted and reflected light
- SEI, BSE and CL detectors
Applications at SPECTRUM:
- Wide range of mineralogical and metallurgical applications.
Jeol 733 Superprobe
The JEOL 733 is also equipped for both wavelength dispersive and energy dispersive analyses. It allows simultaneous EDS/WDS analysis. In addition to element maps of a specimen, images from secondary electrons (SEI) and back-scattered electrons (BSE) can be produced. Our suite of available standards is comprehensive and diverse.
Equipped with:
- Secondary-electron detector
- Backscattered-electron detector
- Energy-dispersive spectrometer (Si(Li))
- Wavelength-dispersive spectrometer (IbeX)
- ThermoNORAN VANTAGE software, including beam current measurement and automation
Applications at SPECTRAU:
- Imaging and X-ray microanalysis of inorganic solids
- Imaging of biological specimen
Panalytical X-PertPro X-Ray Diffractometer
SPECTRUM offers comprehensive solutions for a broad range of X-ray diffraction applications used to identify and characterise the crystal structure of crystalline materials. Typical applications include qualitative phase identification and quantification, semi-quantitative analysis using the Rietveld refinement technique and thin film analyses in the electronic field. Our older Philips PW1729 diffractometer is equipped with modern software and is used mainly for qualitative phase identification where analysis time is not important. Our state-of-the-art PANalytical X-PertPro X-Ray diffractometer, fitted with a high speed detector termed the Celerator¡, allows rapid phase identification in only a few minutes, rather than lengthy periods in the previous range of XRD¡’s.
Equipped with:
- Cu Anode
- Hybrid Incident Beam Monochromator
- Programmable divergence slit
- 15 Sample automatic sample changer
- Diffracted Beam Monochromator
- X’Celerator Detector
- Anton Paar HTK1200 heating stage
- Capillary stage
Applications at SPECTRUM:
- Crystalline phase identification
- Characterisation of crystalline phase changes with changes in temperature (up to 1000oC) in both air or inert atmospheres (with HTK 1200 heating stage)
Panalytical Axios Fast 1 MagiX PRO X-Ray Fluorescent Spectrometer
SPECTRUM can undertake elemental analysis in process control and research environments by utilizing state-of-the-art hardware and software. Our PANalytical MagiX PRO, is the most advanced system allowing standardless, semi-quantitative analysis while the high precision quantitative software includes a Fundamental Parameter based option for analysis of complex samples. This system includes a time-saving robotic sample changer with a sample handling capacity of 96 positions. The system is very user-friendly and sophisticated accuracy-enhancing features ensure reproducible high-quality results.
Equipped with:
- Robotic sample changer
- Software for quantitative and semi-quantitative analysis
Applications at SPECTRUM:
- Wavelength-dispersive XRFS for the analysis of inorganic solid materials