​Executive Director

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Executive Director: Library and Information Centre
Name: Maria Frahm-Arp
Location: Library 305, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus

Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2169/2170
Email: mariafa@uj.ac.za

Meet the Executive Director: UJ Library

This is what Prof Maria had to say about joining the Library: “I feel privileged and honoured to be working in one of UJ’s flagship organisations. I have been working at UJ since 2014 and have been impressed by the library and the wonderful service that you offer. I joined UJ as a lecturer in the Religion Studies Department in the Faculty of Humanities in 2014. In 2016 I was Head of the Department and in 2017 I was the Vice-Dean: Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Humanities.

My background is that of an academic. I was awarded my PhD in 2006 from the University of Warwick in the UK. My area of specialisation is Pentecostal Charismatic Churches in Southern Africa and I have written two books and several journal articles in this area.

In 2014 I won the Humanities Teaching Award, in 2016 I won the VC Teaching Award and in 2017 I was shortlisted for the National Teaching Award. I am currently working on research to do with Teaching and Learning with technology and am part of two large research projects funded by the DHET and the Carnegie Foundation. It is my background in teaching and learning that makes me particularly excited about working in the library because this is a space in which we support teaching and learning, and research excellence.

My leadership style is to empower and inspire people to be the best they can be. I like to work in a collegial and collaborative way because we all have different strengths and when we work together we are able to do amazing things.