Member: Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff

Dr Khululekani Ntakana
Name: Khululekani Ntakana
Location: 6162 JOB Doornfontein Campus
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff, FEBE 3D Concrete Printing Research Experts, FEBE Lecturers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6923
Email: kntakana@uj.ac.za

Dr Morena William Nkomo
Name: Morena William Nkomo Nkomo
Location: 6157 JOB Doornfontein Campus
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff, FEBE Lecturers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6047
Email: mnkomo@uj.ac.za

Dr Lerato Aghimien
Head of Department : Construction Management and Quantity Surveying
Name: Dr Lerato Aghimien
Location: 6151 JOB Doornfontein Campus
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff, FEBE Heads of Departments Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 0115596398
Email: laghimien@uj.ac.za

Prof Clinton Aigbavboa
Name: Clinton Aigbavboa
Location: 6160 JOB Doornfontein Campus
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff, FEBE Professors Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 1860
Email: caigbavboa@uj.ac.za

Ms Zanele Matsane
Name: Zanele Matsane
Location: 6155 JOB Doornfontein Campus
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6488
Email: zmatsane@uj.ac.za
Prof Bankole O. Awuzie
Name: Bankole O. Awuzie
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Email: boawuzie@uj.ac.za

Ms Noluthando Maphongwane
Name: Noluthando Maphongwane
Location: 6161 JOB Doornfontein Campus
Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6482
Email: noluthandom@uj.ac.za

Prof Innocent Musonda
Professor and Director of the Centre for Applied Research and Innovation in the Built Environment (CARINBE)
Name: Innocent Musonda
Location: 6151 JOB Doornfontein Campus
CARINBE Staff, Department of Construction and Management Quantity Surveying Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6655
Email: imusonda@uj.ac.za