Member: Department of Accountancy Staff

Ms Vanessa Van Dyk
Senior Lecturer and Subject Head : Auditing
Name: Vanessa Van Dyk
Location: D-616 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3168
Email: vanessavd@uj.ac.za

Ms Zaheera Patel
Senior lecturer
Name: Zaheera Patel
Location: D-636 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2962
Email: zaheerap@uj.ac.za

Ms Charity Moeng
Senior Lecturer
Name: Charity Moeng
Location: D-639 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3281
Email: charitym@uj.ac.za

Ms Tasneem Mahmood
Senior Lecturer
Name: Tasneem Mahmood
Location: D-629 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3850
Email: tmahmood@uj.ac.za

Mr Dewald Joubert
Senior Lecturer and Subject Head: Financial Management
Name: Dewald Joubert
Location: C-745 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2948
Email: dewaldj@uj.ac.za

Ms Covanni Hohls-du Preez
Senior lecturer, Course Co-ordinator: MCom Computer audit
Name: Covanni Hohls-du Preez
Location: A-537 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3698
Email: chohls@uj.ac.za

Mr Garth Barnes
Senior Lecturer
Name: Garth Barnes
Location: D-638 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3975
Email: garthb@uj.ac.za

Ms Caitlyn Krüll
Senior Lecturer
Name: Caitlyn Krüll
Location: C-707 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2850
Email: caitlynk@uj.ac.za

Ms Lerato Kelebetse
Name: Lerato Kelebetse
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3086
Email: lkelebetse@uj.ac.za
Mr Khazamula Shiburi
Lecturer: Auditing 200
Name: Khazamula Shiburi
Location: D-626 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3566
Email: sshiburi@uj.ac.za
Dr Adesanmi Adegbayibi
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Name: Adesanmi Adegbayib
Location: A-531 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 5952
Email: aadegbayibi@uj.ac.za

Mr Diwan Bezuidenhout
Academic Trainee
Name: Diwan Bezuidenhout
Location: D-602 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Email: accountancy12@uj.ac.za
Ms Nosihle Msomi
Academic Trainee
Name: Nosihle Msomi
Location: C-736 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3713
Email: accountancy5@uj.ac.za

Ms Nokwethaba Simelane
Academic Trainee
Name: Nokwethaba Simelane
Location: C-737 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Email: equity1@uj.ac.za

Mr Bilal Mohammed Patel
Assistant lecturer
Name: Bilal Mohammed Patel
Location: C-717 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Email: bpatel@uj.ac.za

Ms Stephanie Venter
Senior Lecturer
Name: Stephanie Venter
Location: D-620 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2413
Email: sventer@uj.ac.za

Prof Rozanne Smith
Associate Professor
Name: Rozanne Smith
Location: D-625 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 4529
Email: rozannes@uj.ac.za

Dr Letebele Mphahlele
Senior Lecturer
Name: Letebele Mphahlele
Location: C -739 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 7619
Email: letebelem@uj.ac.za

Ms Melissa McGill
Senior Lecturer
Name: Melissa McGill
Location: C-747 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 4347

Ms Mafusi Lephoto
Senior Lecturer
Name: Mafusi Lephoto
Location: C-723 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3163
Email: mafusil@uj.ac.za

Dr Simone Halleen
Name: Simone Halleen
Location: C-720 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 4746
Email: simoneh@uj.ac.za

Dr Milan De Wet
Senior Lecturer
Name: Milan De Wet
Location: A-523 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 4687
Email: miland@uj.ac.za
Mr Zaakir Ally
Name: Zaakir Ally
Location: D-640 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3164
Email: zaakira@uj.ac.za

Dr Collins Achepsah Leke
Senior Lecturer
Name: Collins Achepsah Leke
Location: D-613 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3154
Email: collinsl@uj.ac.za

Ms Justine Nkobane
Senior Lecturer
Name: Justine Nkobane
Location: A-529 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 4149
Email: jgnkobane@uj.ac.za

Ms Farah Essop
Senior Lecturer
Name: Farah Essop
Location: D-637 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2868
Email: farahe@uj.ac.za

Ms Pfunzo Mulandana
Senior Lecturer
Name: Pfunzo Mulandana
Location: C-715 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3281
Email: pfunzom@uj.ac.za

Mr Zubair Ismail
Academic Trainee
Name: Zubair Ismail
Location: C-736 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3713
Email: accountancy3@uj.ac.za

Mr Neo Nkosi
Academic Trainee
Name: Neo Nkosi
Location: D-601 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Email: accountancyaud@uj.ac.za
Mr Panashe Musanhu
Academic Trainee
Name: Panashe Musanhu
Location: C-718 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Department of Accountancy Staff, Faculties, School of Accounting Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3655
Email: altaccountancy1@uj.ac.za