Member: DELM Staff

Prof Ke Yu

Prof Sadi Seyama

Associate Professor
Name: Sadi Seyama
Location: B-Ring 428A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
DELM Staff, Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 3486


Dr Onoriode Potokri

Dr Onoriode Potokri

Senior Lecturer
Name: Onoriode Potokri
Location: GNA 234 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
DELM Staff, Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 5248


Philomena Essed

Prof Philomena Essed

Distinguished Visiting Professors​
Name: Philomena Essed
DELM Staff, Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 3486


Prof Zvisinei Moyo

Associate Professor
Name: Zvisinei Moyo
Location: Robert Sobukwe Building Soweto Campus
DELM Staff, Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 5231


Dr Suraiya Naicker

Prof Suraiya Naicker

Associate Professor & Head of Department
Name: Suraiya Naicker
Location: B-Ring 418A / RS 225 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
DELM Staff, Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 2682 / 5238


Parvathy Naidoo

Prof Parvathy Naidoo

Associate Professor
Name: Parvathy Naidoo
Location: GNA 218
DELM Staff, Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 5243
