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Professor and Head of Department: African Languages
Name: Boni Zungu
Department of African Languages Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 4662
About Prof Boni Zungu
I am an NRF rated researcher who has vast experience in mentoring emerging scholars, supervising thesis successfully and publishing high impact pieces on contemporary and topical issues surrounding pure and applied languages.
My teaching strategy has improved immensely as it is student-centred and focuses on the student development. My pedagogy provides the structure and facilitation of relevant discussions on specific topics. As a lecturer, it is important to choose an effective pedagogical approach in order to ensure holistic student development and impressive academic achievement. With my facilitation approach, students interact, interrogate and explore themes on the curriculum. My approach ensures participation whilst encouraging students play an active role in the lecture room discussions (live or remotely). For this pedagogy to be effective, I take into account the linguistic composition of the group, which means that I may have to adjust it from time to time.
As the facilitator, I have to ensure inclusivity and equity of all learners. My students are from different African Languages and they have to feel at ease to air their views and opinions. I allow the students to draw from their own experiences and share what they observed within their families. This approach keeps my students interested, responsive and attentive. I make contextual adaptation of the information we share in the lecture theatre so that it is aligned with my chosen pedagogy.
Research Interests:
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Onomastics
- Sociolinguistics
- 9 PhD students
- 17 MA students
Books and chapters in books
BOOKS: Monograph:
Zungu, E.B. 2021. Zulu Names, Polygyny and Gender politics in Traditional Societies. UKZN Press
Co-edited volume:
Zondi, N.B., Mkhize, G, Zungu, E.B., Khumalo, S.H. & Reddy V. 2023. Thetha sizwe: contemporary South African debates on African languages and politics of gender. ESI Press
Co-edited volume (forthcoming):
E.B. Zungu & Z.G. Buthelezi. 2024 Insebenziseko nentuthuko yolimi lwesiZulu ebusweni bezobuchwepheshe. Centre for African Languages
Zungu, E.B. & Ntombela, S.A. 2023. The use of metaphors amd euphemiss as a focus of symbolism in Izingane zoMa musical renditions – Thetha Sizwe: genders language and literatures in African Languages. ESI Press
Zungu, E.B. 2023. Ucwaningonto ngabesifazane njengezimeleli zezinguquko encwadini ethi ‘Wangibulala Baba’: kusetshenziswa injulalwazi yeFeminizimu. In E.D.M. Sibiya (ed.) The evolution of Zulu literature in the twentieth century. UKZN Press
In press (Book Chapters):
Zungu, E.B. 2024. Challenges facing facilitators in the applicability of andragogy to the acquisition of conversational isiZulu in adult learners: an observation-based approach. In E.B. Zungu and Z.G. Buthelezi. Insebenziseko nentuthuko yolimi lwesiZulu ebusweni bezobuchwepheshe. Centre for African Languages
Most recent journal articles:
Mthembu, S.M. & Zungu, E.B. 2024. Portraying political violence, rape and masculinities in the post-apartheid African languages literature in EDM Sibiya’s Ngiyolibala Ngifile (2010): A postcolonial Reading Mankind Quarterly