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Name: Charles J Sheppard
Location: C1 Lab 130A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Physics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 3684
About Prof. Charles J Sheppard
NRF Rating: C2
Chromium Research group:
Research Interest and Capability:
The Cr Research Group (CRG) focuses on the interesting magnetism observed in the arc-typical antiferromagnet Cr. Current research focuses on the physical properties of Cr-based bulk and thin film alloys. Research has further been extended to novel magnetism observed in chromite-based thin films and nanoparticles. The CRG laboratories house a state-of-the-art physical properties measurement system based on Cryogenic Limited, Cryogen Free Measurement Platform. This system can measure with the appropriate insert in a temperature range of 60mK to close to 1000deg C, within a magnetic field of a few milli-Tesla up to 14 Tesla. The CRG also houses an Empyrean X-ray diffractometer capable of powder-x-ray and high resolution and gracing incidence x-ray diffraction. The x-ray diffraction instrument is also fitted with a non-ambient furnace, making it possible to study the phase behaviour of alloys in a non-reactive atmosphere.
Recent Research Publications:
- M. Mulibana, P. Mohanty, A.R.E. Prinsloo, C. J. Sheppard, B. S. Jacobs, “ Effects of Cr doping on the magnetic properties of one-dimensional spin chain system a–CoV2O6”, AIP Advances 13, 025023 (2023), DOI: 10.1063/9.0000530.
- H.S. Lokesha, K.R. Nagabhushana, F. Singh, N.R. Thejavathi, S.H. Tatumi, A.R.E. Prinsloo, C.J. Sheppard, “120 MeV swift Au9+ ion induced phase transition in ZrO2: monoclinic to tetragonal and cubic to tetragonal structure”, Journal of Physics: Condense Matter 35, 135401 (2023), DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/acb4d0.
- B. Bamana, A.R.E. Prinsloo, P. Mohanty, C.J. Sheppard, “Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in DyCrTiO5 nanoparticles”, AIP Advances 13, 025049 (2023), DOI: 10.1063/9.0000552.
- B. Sahu, U.K. Panigrahi, C.J. Sheppard, A.R.E. Prinsloo, P. Mohanty, P. Mallick, “ Structural and magnetic characteristics of NiO/NiFe2O4/a-Fe2O3 nanocomposite”, Material Chemistry and Physics 302, 127759 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.127759.
- B Muchono, C.J. Sheppard, A.R.E. Sheppard, “Effects of V on the physical properties of Cr1-xAlx alloy system”, Physica Scripta 98, 065937 (2023), DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/acd22a.
- H.S. Lokesha, A.R.E. Prinsloo, P. Mohanty, C.J. Sheppard, “Impact of Cr doping on the structure, optical properties and magnetic properties of nanocrsytalline ZnO particles”, Journal of Alloy and Compounds 960, 170815 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.170815.
- M. Jacob, A.R.E. Prinsloo, P. Mohanty, C.J. Sheppard, “Size dependence of magnetic properties of Co1–xNix)Cr2O4 particles (x = 0.15, 0.20)”, Materials Today Communications 37, 107376 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107376.
- M. Liparo, J.-P. Jay, M. Dubreuil, G. Simon, A. Fessant, W. Jahjah, Y. Le Grand, C.J. Sheppard, A.R.E. Prinsloo, V. Vlaminck, V. Castel, L. Temdie-Kom, G. Bourcin, D. Spenato, D.T. Dekadjevi, “Static and dynamic magnetization control of extrinsic multiferroics by the converse magnetophotostrictive effect”, Communication Physics 6, 356 (2023), DOI: 10.1038/s42005-023-01479-4.
- S. N. Bothma, C.J. Sheppard, M.M. Turnbull, C.P. Landee, M. Rademeyer, “The odd–even effect in n-carboxyalkylammonium-containing organic–inorganic hybrids of Mn(ii) halides: structural and magnetic characterisation”, Crystal Engineering Communications 25, 6568 (2023), DOI: 10.1039/d3ce00855j.
- M. Mulibana, P. Mohanty, A.R.E Prinsloo, C.J. Sheppard, B.S. Jacobs, ”Effects of Cr doping and size reduction on the structural and magnetic properties of α–CoV2O6”, Materials Today Communications 39, 108920 (2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108920.
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