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Distinguished Visiting Professor
Name: David Boucher
DPIR Visiting Professors, Department of Politics and International Relations Staff Staff Members
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About Prof David Boucher
David Boucher is Chair of Political Philosophy and International Relations, Cardiff University; Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg; and was Vice President, Learned Society of Wales 2017-2020. He has published on a wide variety of subjects, including international relations; history of political thought; British Idealism; the political philosophy of R. G. Collingwood; and, cultural studies. He has held visiting fellowships in Oxford, the University of Johannesburg, Canterbury University, New Zealand, The Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan; and the Australian National University. He is Chairman of the R. G. Collingwood Society, and Director of the Collingwood and British Idealism Centre since 1993. He is the Executive editor of Collingwood and British Idealism Studies. His most recent books are British Idealism and Political Theory (with Andrew Vincent, 2001), The Limits of Ethics in International Relations (2009), British Idealism: A Guide for the Perplexed (2011 with Andrew Vincent); Appropriating Hobbes: Legacies in Politics, Law and International Relations (2018); Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen: Deaths and Entrances (2021). His recent edited volumes arising out of JIAS Conferences are: Language, Culture and Decolonization (2022); Declonisation: Revolution and Evolution (ed. With Ayesha Omar); and, Reappraising the Life and Legacy of Jan V Smuts (ed. With Bongani Ngqulunga). He teaches problems in political theory at UJ.