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Postdoctoral fellow
Name: Anfisa Skoblenko
Department of Geology Postdoctoral Fellows Staff Members
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About Dr Anfisa Skoblenko
Anfisa Skoblenko has been working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow since November 2024 at the Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She holds a PhD in regional geology, geotectonics and geodynamics obtained at the Laboratory of Geodynamics of Late Precambrian and Phanerozoic of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia. Over the past years Anfisa has been working with all the aspects of geological evolution of metamorphic (high-grade) complexes within the orogens (primarily Central Asian Orogenic Belt) and cratons (East European, Siberian, Kaapvaal), which is documented by publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Axel Hofmann
Research interests
- Deciphering the evolution of metamorphic and metasomatic complexes of different affinities
- Reconstruction and geochemical affiliation of metamorphic rocks’ protoliths
- Recovery of tectonic settings of metamorphic and metasomatic complexes’ formation, regional correlations
Research interests (extended)
Early Precambrian vs. Phanerozoic metamorphism: P-T gradients, phase equilibria modelling, redox conditions, isotope effects, role of fluids and water activity, deformations, geochemical proxies, models of exhumation. The representative objects are attributed to the high-grade complexes of the Kaapvaal and East European craton (granulites, xenoliths) and Central Asian Orogenic Belt (eclogites, blueschists, jadeitites).
Melting during high-grade metamorphism: zircon effects (element distribution, micro-inclusions, zoning, isotope signatures); subsolidus and suprasolidus mineral assemblages; phase equilibria modelling and garnet growth; geochronological tools and restrictions; assessment of water (fluid) activity.
Fluids in the zones of slab-mantle wedge interaction: origination, compositions, timing and mechanisms of infiltration, their role and effects during subduction process and mélange formation; juvenile crust formation.
Emplacement of ophiolites, their affinities and geochemical features; mass transfer in the residual mantle complexes; processes of serpentinization and metamorphism of ultramafic rocks.
Key words
Field geology; Subduction processes; Metamorphism; P-T-X-t paths; Microanalysis; SEM-EDS, EPMA, LA ICP-MS; Conventional geothermobarometry and phase equilibria modelling; Petrography and microfabrics analysis; Precambrian continental crust; Paleo-ocean; Paleotectonic reconstruction.
- Erofeeva K.G., Samsonov A.V., Larionov Yu.O., Rylov D.A., Plusnina O.E., Skoblenko A.V., Dubenskiy A.S., 2025. Tokko section as a deeply eroded part of the Mesoarchaean Tokko-Khani greenstone belt, the west Aldan shield, Siberian craton. Precambrian Research 418, 107696.
- Skuzovatov S.Yu., Skoblenko A.V., Vezinet A., Karimov A., Tsujimori T., 2024. The exhumation impact onto fluid-mobile element budget and local Rb-Sr isotope heterogeneity of the subducted eclogitic crust (Alag-Khadny, SW Mongolia). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 179, 100.
- Degtyarev K.E., Tretyakov A.A., Luchitskaya M.V., Ryazantsev A.V., Kanygina N.A., Skoblenko A.V., Tolmacheva T.Yu., Yakubchuk A.S., Milyukova A.G., 2024. Cambrian supra-subduction and intraplate oceanic complexes in the Dzhalair-Naiman ophiolite zone (Southern Kazakhstan): age, geochemistry and tectonic implication. Gondwana Research 134, 144-186.
- Skoblenko A.V., Degtyarev K.E., Travin A.V., et al., 2024. Two episodes of Early Palaeozoic high-pressure metamorphism in North Balkhash ophiolite zone (Central Kazakhstan, western Central Asian Orogenic Belt): evidence for tectonic evolution of Junggar–Balkhash Ocean. Lithos, 482–483, 107672.
- Kanygina N.A., Tretyakov A.A., Alexeiev D.V., Degtyarev K.E., Skoblenko A.V., Soloshenko N., Eromolaev B., 2024. Early Neoproterozoic Granite-Gneisses of the Junggar Alataw (Southeastern Kazakhstan): Age, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications. Acta Geologica Sinica 98(1), 67-82.
- Skoblenko A.V., Kanygina N.A., Dubenskiy A.S., Batanova V.G., Dilek Y., Sheshukov V.S. and Serov P.A., 2023. High-pressure metamorphism of Precambrian continental crust in the southwestern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (South Kazakhstan and North Tien Shan) and tectonic implications for the evolution of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean. Geological Magazine 160, 1624.
- Milyukova A.G., Skoblenko A.V., Dilek Y., Wang K.-L., Batanova V.G., Degtyarev K.E., 2023. Geochemistry, mineral chemistry and Re–Os isotopes of refractory peridotites of the North Balkhash ophiolite zone in the West Central Asian Orogenic Belt (Central Kazakhstan): multi–stage melt evolution of a Late Precambrian forearc mantle. Journal of Geological Society 180.
- Skoblenko (Pilitsyna) A.V., Kanygina N.A., Tretyakov A.A., Degtyarev K.E., Nguyen, T.T., Pang K.-N., Sheshukov V.S., Erofeeva K.G., 2023. Latest Cambrian stage of evolution of Precambrian continental crust in the Aktyuz high-pressure Complex (Chu-Kendyktas terrane; North Tien Shan): tectonic implications for the SW part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Geodynamics 155, 101955.
- Skoblenko (Pilitsyna) A.V., Degtyarev K.E., Kanygina N.A., Tretyakov A.A., Skuzovatov S.Yu., Pang K.-N., Lee H.-Y., 2022. Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic metamorphic complexes in the SW part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Ages, compositions, regional correlations and tectonic affinities. Gondwana Research 105, 117–142.
- Ryazantsev A.V., Golionko B.G., Kotov A.B., Skoblenko A.V., Stifeeva M.V., et al., 2022. Age and Thermal History of Eclogites from the Tulepsai Complex, Eastern Mugodzhar Range (Western Kazakhstan). Doklady Earth Sciences 506(1), 5-13.
- Degtyarev K.E., Yakubchuk A.S., Luchitskaya M.V., Skoblenko A.V., Tretyakov A.A., 2022. Ordovician supra-subduction, oceanic and within-plate ocean island complexes in the Tekturmas ophiolite zone (Central Kazakhstan): age, geochemistry and tectonic implications. International Geology Review 64(15), 2108-2150.
- Skoblenko A.V., Degtyarev K.E., 2021. Early Palaeozoic high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure complexes of the western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: ages, compositions and geodynamic models of formation. Petrology 29(3), 256-291.
- Degtyarev K.E., Luchitskaya M.V., Tretyakov A.A., Skoblenko (Pilitsyna) A.V., Yakubchuk A.S., 2021. Early Paleozoic suprasubduction complexes of the North Balkhash ophiolite zone (Central Kazakhstan): geochronology, geochemistry and implications for tectonic evolution of the Junggar-Balkhash Ocean. Lithos 380–381, 105818.
- Tretyakov, A.A, Skoblenko (Pilitsyna), A.V., Degtyarev, K.E, Salnikova, E.B, Kovach, V.P., Lee, H.-Y., Batanova, V.G., Wang, K.-L., Kanygina, N.A., Kovalchuk, E.V., 2019. Neoproterozoic granitoid magmatism and granulite metamorphism in the Chu-Kendyktas terrane (Southern Kazakhstan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt): Zircon dating, Nd isotopy and tectono-magmatic evolution. Precambrian Research 332, 105397.
- Skoblenko (Pilitsyna), A.V., Tretyakov, A.A., Degtyarev, K.E., Salnikova, E.B., Kotov, A.B., Kovach, V.P., Wang, K.-L., Batanova, V.G., et al., 2019. Early Palaeozoic metamorphism of Precambrian crust in the Zheltau terrane (Southern Kazakhstan; Central Asian Orogenic belt): P-T paths, protoliths, zircon dating and tectonic implications. Lithos 324–325, 115–114.
- Skoblenko (Pilitsyna), A.V., Tretyakov, A.A., Degtyarev, K.E., Alifirova, T.A., Batanova, V.G., Cuthbert, S.J., Kovalchuk, E.V., Ermolaev, B.V., 2018. Multi-stage metamorphic evolution and protolith reconstruction of spinel-bearing and symplectite-bearing ultramafic rocks in the Zheltau massif, Southern Kazakhstan (Central Asian Orogenic Belt). Gondwana Research 64, 11–34.
- Skoblenko (Pilitsyna), A.V., Tretyakov, A.A., Degtyarev, K.E., Cuthbert, S.J., Batanova, V.G., Kovalchuk, E.V., 2018. Eclogites and garnet clinopyroxenites in the Anrakhai complex, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Southern Kazakhstan: P-T evolution, protoliths and some geodynamic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153, 325–345.