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Associate Professor and Vice-Dean: Teaching and Learning
Name: Corné Meintjes
Location: B-Ring 518 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Strategic Communication Staff, Faculty of Humanities Staff Members
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About Prof Corné Meintjes
- DCom Communication Management
- PGDip Higher Education
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Overview/bio: I believe that students can grow to become agents of social change by co-construction of their knowledge and skills in an authentic, caring, connected and engaged learning community. To enable students to do this, I need to continually reflect and learn, furthering my understanding of ideas through research and improving my teaching and research skills. I have lectured 39 academic courses and 14 industry courses, published 16 peer-reviewed articles and 13 book chapters and presented papers at 31 academic conferences. I currently hold an NRF grant.
Research Interests: Branding, dialogue, networks, stakeholder relationships, scholarship of teaching and learning
Supervision: I have supervised 3 PhDs and 12 Masters students to completion
Publications (Last 5 years):
- Corbishley, K. M., Meintjes, C., & Mason, R. B. (2023). Loyalty program benefits and their effect on relationship quality and loyalty to the retailer. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 12(2), 1–14. (DOAJ)
- Berndt, A. & Meintjes, C. (2023). The interrelationship of family identities, personalities and expressions on family winery websites, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 32(5): 752-773 (Scopus, WOS, Chartered Association of Business School AJC 1, Australian Business Deans Council A Rating)
- Shabangu, P., Meintjes, C. & Ngcwangu, S. (2022). A purposeful multi-stakeholder learning dialogue (PMSLD) approach to mitigate high-conflict collective bargaining, Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, 41(2): 118-134. (DHET)
- Meintjes, C., Heidig, W. & Dobbelstein, T. (2021). Whether to adopt or not? A cross-country comparison of consumer resistance towards the Internet of Things in households. Retail and Marketing Review, 17(2): 30-51 (DHET)
- Meintjes, C. (2021). The authentic corporate citizen: the role of relational transparency and stakeholder relationship cultivation strategies. Management Dynamics, 30(3):1-17. ISSN (Print): ISSN: 1019-567X. Online ISSN: 2710-5245 (DHET, IBSS, DOAJ)
- Robertson, R. & Meintjes, C. (2021). Towards an Online Risk Mitigation Framework for Political Brands subject to computational propaganda. Communicatio, 47(1): 95-121. ISSN: 0250-0167. Online ISSN: 1853-5379 (DHET, Scopus)
- Corbishley, K.M., Mason, R. B. & Meintjes, C. (2020). Perceived benefits of loyalty programs and relationship quality. International journal of customer relationship marketing and management, 11(1):1-18. ISSN: 1947-9247 EISSN: 1947-9255 DOI:10.4018/IJCRMM (Scopus)
Books and book-chapters
- Boshoff, C., Human, D., Makudu, D., Meintjes, C. & Nel, J. (2023). Principles of Marketing. OUP: South Africa (contributed four chapters).
- Slabbert, Y. & Meintjes, C. In: Verwey, S., Benecke, R, & Phumo, T. (Eds.). (2021). Chapter 9: Building relational capital through strategic stakeholder engagement. Strategic Communication: South African Perspectives. Cape Town: OUP, Peer-reviewed. ISBN: 9780190751234 Epub ISBN: 9780190736859
- Meintjes, C. & Slabbert, Y. In: Verwey, S., Benecke, R, & Phumo, T. (Eds.). (2021). Chapter 12: Brand legitimacy and social justice: building social capital through corporate social responsiveness. Strategic Communication: South African Perspectives. Cape Town: OUP. Peer-reviewed. ISBN: 9780190751234 Epub ISBN: 9780190736859
- Meintjes, C., Pritchard, M, Louw, A., Joshi, H., Dampier, G. & Mabada, S. (2023). Using open and artificial pedagogy to teach academic literacy as a game for strategic communication students. Teaching innovation for the 21st century. University of Johannesburg Press.
- Prithard, M. & Meintjes, C. (2023). Co-designing equitable hybrid learning experiences: unifying engagement across diverse spaces. Teaching innovation for the 21st century. University of Johannesburg Press.
Conference participation (Last 5 years):
- Paper delivered at the 2023 7th Teaching and Learning Conference that will be held at the Premier Hotel (Richards Bay, KwaZulu Natal Province, South Africa) from 18-20 October 2023 entitled Pedagogies and technologies to make hybrid learning equally engaging and fun regardless of students’ attendance preferences with Prof Maritha Pritchard
- Paper delivered at the 2023 Annual SACOMM conference, FADA, held on 27 to 29 September 2023 entitled Towards an active citizenry through the use of digital technology to facilitate Social Innovation in the South African Local Government with Mr Elmon Motlautsi
- Paper delivered at the 2023 Annual SACOMM conference, FADA, held on 27 to 29 September 2023 entitled The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the facilitation of dialogic OSRs: A Metamodern Approach with Ms Vinolia Makgoadibane
- Paper delivered at the 2023 Strategic Communication Conference, UJ, held on 28 and 29 September 2023 entitled A rhizomatic and dialogic rendezvous with strategic communication with Ms Roela Hattingh
- Paper delivered at the 2023 Strategic Communication Conference, UJ, held on 28 and 29 September 2023 entitled Understanding the relational proximity of the organisation-stakeholder relationships of Woolworths: A Twitter (X) social network analysis with Mr Mokoatedi Sebetha
- Paper delivered at the 2023, 39th annual conference of the International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity that took place on the 13th-15th September 2023 at Ulster University in Belfast, Northern Ireland entitled Paper, scissors, stone: Capabilities of strategic communicators in a time of flux, a South African Q-study with Ms Roela Hattingh
- Paper delivered at the 2022 Annual SACOMM conference, Wits University, entitled From City Halls to Virtual Halls: Public Participation and Governance reimagined in the South African Local Government with Mr Elmon Motlautsi
- Paper delivered at the 2022 87th Annual International Association for Business Communication Conference, Tamba, Florida, USA, Online entitled Rebranding as crisis response strategy: a stakeholder relationship management perspective with Prof Yolandi Botha.
- Paper delivered at the 2021 2nd Annual African Family Business Research Conference, Online, entitled: south African family wineries – A family business brand matrix perspective with Prof Adele Berndt. See the presentation and panel discussion
- Paper delivered at the 2020 IAMCR Conference, Online, entitled: Computational propaganda – friend or foe to South African political party brands with Mr Randy Robertson.