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Advisory Board Member
Name: Elzette Fritz
Location: B Ring 425 / RS 237 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
DEP Staff, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 2673 / 5249
About Dr Elzette Fritz
Currently I am the research leader for a SANPAD funded research project, which focuses on the utilization of creative expressive art therapy as school community therapeutic intervention. As such, school events such as school concerts are explored to see how it can be applied therapeutically, involving mass participation to the benefit of participants and audience. Thus far we have found that such events can provide the opportunity for closer parent-school collaboration and improve learners’ self-esteem. I am also co-leader in a SANPAD-funded research project that focuses on Child headed households. This research project has provided me with insight with regards to the plight of children in child-headed households and will be guiding the next phase of my own research project, namely, how can creative expressive art therapy be used in impoverished communities to address trauma and enhance resilience on a community level. Teaching specialization: I am the coordinator for the Masters Educational psychology Programme and responsible for presenting Educational Psychological interventions. On the Honors level I present the Counselling interventions to the Counselling students and on undergraduate level I coordinate the module Life orientation. In therapeutic and counseling interventions, I focus specifically on constructivist interventions that are culturally sensitive and informed by indigenous knowledge systems. Community projects: I am involved in two schools and one community site as supervisor where Masters and Honours students complete their practical training. I enjoy presenting workshops at parents’ evenings and to teachers as part of my community service. My research project is located at a school and as such informs my community involvement at the school. Key professional appointments: I serve on the Faculty Higher degrees committee and the marketing committee of the university. I am an executive board member of SAPSAC (The South African Professional Society on the Abuse of Children) and also an executive member of MEPSSA (Milton Ericksonian psychotherapy society of South Africa). Selected Publications:
- Louw, N.; Dunbar-Krige, H. & Fritz, E. (2010). “Weaving a circle of care” around families affected by HIV and AIDS. Education as change. December 2010
- Smit, B.; Fritz, E. & Mabalane, V. (2009). A Conversation of Teachers: In Search of Professional Identity. Australian Educational Researcher. September 2010
- Petersen, N., Dunbar-Krige, H., & Fritz, E. (2008). Chronicling a Faculty of Education’s journey into community engagement through service learning. Education as Change, December, 12(2).
- Fritz, E. & Smit, B. (2008). Ethnographic narratives that challenge problem saturated stories of teacher inefficiency. Education as Change, December. 12(2).
- Henning, E.; Fritz, E. & Swart, R.E. (2008). When all the school became a stage: Young children enacting a community’s fear and sense of loss,” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. January/February 2009: 22-1 issue. (Accepted) This journal is in the process of being accredited.
- Smit, B. & Fritz, E. (2007). Understanding teacher identity from a symbolic interactionist perspective: two ethnographic narratives, South African Journal of Education. (Published) This journal is accredited.
- Fritz, E. & Beekman, L. (2007): Engaging clients actively in telling stories and actualizing dreams. In: Maree, K (Ed): Shaping the story. A guide to facilitating narrative counselling. Pretoria: Van Schaik. Diale, T. & Fritz, E. (2007). Indigenous knowledge and learning development. Duncan, N, Bowman, J, Naidoo, A, Pillay, J & Roos, V (Ed): Community psychology. Analysis, context and action. Cape Town: UCT Press.
- Fritz, E. (2006) Metaphors in supervision. In Krige, H. & Fritz, E. (Ed) (2006). The supervision of counselors in South Africa. Travels in New Territory. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Contact details Tel: 27 (0) 11 559 2526/5242 Fax: 27 (0) 11 559 2262 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus: B Ring 423A Soweto Campus 224 University of Johannesburg Department of Education Bass Lake Video