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Senior Lecturer
Name: Eric Niyitunga
Location: ADD 221 Soweto Campus
School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 558 5106
About Dr Eric Niyitunga
Academic Career Profile Dr Eric Niyitunga is a lecturer at the University of Johannesburg. He obtained his Doctorate from the University of Johannesburg in Political Studies, the title of his PhD research is “Exploring the Challenges of the African Union in Peace Processes: Cases of Burundi, Libya and Zimbabwe”. His Masters research focused on testing the viability of the new preventive diplomacy in preventing African conflicts. Dr Niyitunga is a member of Initiatives of Change, including the Eastern Africa Youth Conference; the African Leadership Centre; the African Peacebuilding Network-Hub; and the American Political Science Association (APSA). Dr Niyitunga has played an active role in internationalization initiatives of the College of Business and Economics (CBE). Dr Niyitunga has presented papers at a number of local and international conferences and events. In April 2018, Dr Niyitunga facilitated the signing of the MOU between the University of Johannesburg (School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy) and Daystar University. He continues to be actively involved in building collaborative networks with universities on the African continent. He acted as a non-assessing chair for Master’s and doctoral students on a number of occasions at the University of Johannesburg. Dr Niyitunga attended a United Nations Humanitarian Peace Ambassador in 2018. His specialised research interests are in: Issues and cases in African politics and governance, politics of service delivery, law in International society, international mediation, theory and practice of diplomacy, Africa’s international relations, foreign policy analysis, peace and security, politics of international development, and African studies. Publications
- Niyitunga, EB. 2014. Who owns mediation at the African Union (AU)? Understanding the causes of the AU mediation ineffectiveness in Libya crisis of 2011. Africa Institute of South Africa. 43 (4).
- Niyitunga, EB. 2016. Assessing the missing link within the concept of preventive diplomacy with reference to African conflicts. Journal for Contemporary History. 41 (2).
- Niyitunga, EB. 2016. ‘African Union and the Mediated peace in Africa: A case of Political unrest in Burundi’ in Mammo Muchie, Vusi Gumede, Samuel Oloruntoba and Nicasius Achu Check (eds.). Regenerating Africa: Bringing African Solutions to African Problems. Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), South Africa.
- Niyitunga, EB. 2016. The Impact of ‘Global War on Terror’ on the Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Horn of Africa: An analysis of the Somali Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Kenya. Africa Institute of South Africa. 45 (3).
- Niyitunga, EB. 2017. Critical Analysis of the Viability of the UN Peacekeeping Principles in Complex Emergencies. Administratio Publica. 25 (3).
- Niyitunga, EB. 2017. The Right to Remedial Secession and the Puzzle of Peace. African Journal of Public Affairs. Vol 9 (9): 80 – 94.
- Niyitunga, EB. 2017. “African solutions to African problems”: An analysis of the nature and origins of the African problems”. The Thinker – Issue 72.
- Niyitunga, EB. 2018. The Economic Effects of Terror Attacks and their Impact on the African Union Agenda 2063: A Neglected Dimension. African Journal of Public Affairs. 10 (4): 21-39.
- Niyitunga, EB. 2019. Good Governance-Mediation Interactions: An Unexplored Imperative Contribution to Peace and Security. African Institute of South Africa. 49(2): 41 – 55.
- Niyitunga, EB. 2019. A conceptual analysis for understanding water scarcity and its threats to international peace and security. African Journal of Public Affairs. 11(3): 95 – 117.
- Niyitunga, EB. & Kimari, AM. 2020. ‘Mobile financial services design and development: an unexplored pathway to financial inclusion’ in Thaisaiyi Zephania Opati and Martin Kang’ethe Gachukia (eds). Impact of Mobile Payment Applications and Transfers on Business. IGI Global. Pennsylvania.