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Name: Gabriel L Babili
Department of African Languages Staff Staff Members
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About Dr Gabriel Babili
National Diploma in Language Practice, TUT, 2015
BTech in Language Practice, TUT, 2016
MTech in Language Practice, TUT, 2019
PhD in African Languages, UJ, 2023
Dr. Gabriel Babili is a lecturer in the Department of African Languages. He teaches grammar and literature in Sepedi, language translation and communicative studies. His research interests are somewhat broad, but they follow these three lines: sociolinguistics, language and law (forensic linguistics), and translation. His works primarily focus on the interaction between legal professions i.e., law enforcement and English second language speakers, multilingualism and language rights in the justice system, and language policy and development in South Africa. He has presented at conferences and published several articles in this field of study.
Journal publications:
- Babili, G. & Mndawe. I. (2023). Police Written Discourse: Analysing Notable Glitches in Police Reports, Language Matters, 54(3): 41-59. 10.1080/10228195.2023.2289732
- Babili, G. (2024). Police interviews in Non-Native Context: Misconstructions and Possible Solutions, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 32(2): 215–228. 2989/16073614.2023.2288882.
- Babili, G., Mphela, L. & Ditsele, T. (2024). Code-borrowing and its Effects on the Development of Sepedi: The Case of Soccer Commentaries on Thobela FM, South African Journal of African Languages, 44(1): x–xx. Forthcoming.
Conference presentation:
- Babili, G. (2023). Language and the Law: Grammar and syntactic qualities of Police written language. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Standardizations, Descriptions, and Delimitations of Southern African Languages: Past, Present, and Future, 3-6 July, Walter Sisulu University, Umthata, South Africa.
- Babili, G. (2024). Linguistic Ethnography and Police Procedures: On Interviewing the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community during Record Construction. In Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education, 20-25 Oct, Amsterdam, Netherlands.