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Postdoctoral fellow
Name: Isaac Ajigo
Location: C1 Lab 445 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Geology Postdoctoral Fellows Staff Members
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About Dr Isaac O. Ajigo
Dr. Isaac Ajigo is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg, APK Campus. He studied Geology and Mining (BSc) and Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology (MSc), respectively, at the University of Jos, Jos Plateau State Nigeria, located in the north-central part of the country and in the heart of the popular igneous province called the Jurassic younger granite of Nigeria.
He completed his PhD at the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, having completed and submitted a PhD research thesis titled ‘Geology and Structure of the Northern Part of Igarra Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria’. The aim of the research was to map the lithology and structures in the study area with a view to investigating the petrogenesis, tectonic history and architecture, as well as establishing the economic resources potential of the northern part of the Igarra Schist Belt.
Research Interests
Petrology (igneous and/or metamorphic) and geochemistry; mineral and whole-rock chemistry and isotopes in combination with petrographical and petrological methods in relation to petrogenesis and as it applies to metamorphic, igneous and hydrothermal systems; granite petrology and the magmatic-hydrothermal transition, as well as the use of accessory minerals to provenance rocks.
- Ajigo, I.O. and Ayodele, O.S. (2021): Litho-Structural Analysis of the Sara-Fier Ring Complex, Northcentral Nigeria. Int J Earth Sci Geophys 7:055.
- Ajigo, I.O., Ademeso, O.A. and Odeyemi, I.B. (2020): A Review of the Structure and Evolution of the Northern Parts of the Igarra Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Mining and Geology Vol. 56(2), 159–168.
- Ajigo, I.O. (2020): Petrology of the Igarra Metaconglomerate: Implications for tectonic history, provenance and source materials. Global Scientific Journals, Volume 8, Issue 7, 924-942.
- Ayodele, O.S. and Ajigo, I.O. (2019): Reconnaissance geological and geochemical studies of the Precambrian rocks in Erijiyan Area, Southwestern Nigeria: Implications for mineral exploration. Global Journal of Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 4(1), 1-13.