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Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Name: Jeanne Bouyat
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows  Staff Members

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About Dr. Jeanne Bouyat

Jeanne Bouyat obtained her PhD in political studies from Sciences Po Paris in March 2021, and was previously a postdoc at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford before joining the Centre for Education, Rights and Transformation (CERT) in January 2023 as a postdoc associated with the SA research chair in Community, Adult and Worker Education (CAWE). She is a research associate at the Centre for International Studies (CERI) from Sciences Po and a fellow of the Convergences research Institute of Migrations (French National Research Agency).

Jeanne does research on forms of xenophobia and anti-xenophobia with a focus on the secondary schooling institution in South Africa. She looks at political attitudes in the context of schools, the sociology of the State and of public administration, critical pedagogies, action and co-produced engaged research, and activism.

She has been involved and published with collective research projects based in South Africa, France and the UK on citizenship and identification in Africa, on practices of the State in urban governance in South Africa, and on States in the making of Others in Southern African and Western European social state institutions.
A full list of her publications is available here: