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Senior Lecturer
Name: Marinda Pretorius
Location: D Ring 236 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Economics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)11 559 2060
About Dr Marinda Pretorius
I am a senior lecturer in the School of Economics at the University of Johannesburg and a researcher in sovereign credit ratings, subjective well-being, migration and exchange rate forecasting with a keen interest in African economies.
I coordinate the Masters in Local Economic Development (LED) at the School of Economics and lecture fundamental Econometrics to undergraduate students whilst also acting as an external examiner for various subjects at other academic institutions.
I have supervised various honours, masters and doctoral students in various sub-fields of Economics and have been the external examiner of many masters’ theses.
Academic History
PhD in Finance, University of Johannesburg 2017.
M.Com Econometrics cum laude, University of Johannesburg 2006.
B.Com Honours Econometrics cum laude, Rand Afrikaans University, 2004. Best Econometrics student in year group.
B.Com (Economics) cum laude, Rand Afrikaans University, 2003.
Most Recent Publications
- BOTHA, I. & PRETORIUS, M. 2020. The Geographical and Income Differences in the Determinants of African Sovereign Credit Ratings. African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 11(4):609-624.
- PRETORIUS, M. & BLAAUW, D. 2020. Financial challenges and the subjective well-being of first-year students at a comprehensive South African university. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 8(1):47-63.
- PRETORIUS, M. & BOTHA, I. 2021. Leads and Lags in African Sovereign Ratings. Journal of African Business, 22(2):235-253.
- BIYASE, M., FISHER, B. & PRETORIUS, M. 2021. Remittances and subjective well-being: A static versus dynamic panel approach to happiness. Migration Letters, 18(6):761-774
- PRETORIUS, M., BIYASE, M. & FISHER, B. 2021 Anticipation and adaption of subjective well-being to marriage. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 14(1):a676
- WENTZEL, A., HERRERA, N, VáSQUEZ RODRíGUEZ, K & PRETORIUS, M. (2021). Survival migrants’ intention to stay. International Migration. Published online:
- FISHER, B., KIRSTEN, F., BIYASE, M. & PRETORIUS, M. 2022. Perceptions of crime and subjective well-being: Urban-rural differences in South Africa. The Journal of Developing Areas, Forthcoming.
- BLAAUW, D. & PRETORIUS, M. 2022. “I am 30 and I have nothing” – the context of reception and lived experiences of foreign migrants working as car guards in Johannesburg’ West Rand. Geojournal. Published online:
- KIRSTEN, F., BIYASE, M., BOTHA, I. & PRETORIUS, M. 2022. The variation between subjective and objective class positions in South Africa: The distance between perception and reality. The Journal of Developing Areas, Forthcoming.
Undergraduate, honours and master’s degree cum laude.
Winner of the chancellor’s medal for the most outstanding master’s dissertation in the faculty of Financial and Economic Sciences.
Best Econometrics honours student.
Organizations & Scholarly Affiliations
Economic Development and Wellbeing Research Group.
Economic Society of South Africa.
International Institute of Forecasters.