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Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Name: Otilia Chiramba
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows Staff Members
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About Dr Otilia Chiramba
Doctor Otilia Chiramba is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg with the SARChI Teaching and Learning. She holds a PhD in Educational leadership, Management and Policy studies with the University of the Witwatersrand. Her research interest is in higher education specifically focusing on underprivileged groups of students like refugees, international students, and students from marginalized communities in South Africa and beyond. Otilia’s research work is informed by theories of resilience, decolonisation and social justice and has published a number of articles and book chapters. She is currently leading one of the big projects for the Chair titled, Epistemic disruptions in reconstituting educational pedagogy: the student and management perspective. Otilia has co-edited one book and one Special Issue. Another Special Issue has been accepted for publication. She has also been involved in grant funded projects and has also been presenting her work at local and international conferences.
Recent Publications:
Chiramba, O., & Motala, S., (2023). Towards transforming teaching and learning in higher education: interrogating poverty through a decolonial perspective, Curriculum Perspectives. 10.1007/s41297-023-00188-w
Maringe, F., & Chiramba, O. (2022). Disruptions in Higher Education: Mitigating Issues of Access and Success in the COVID-19 Pandemic. South African Journal of Higher Education, 36(4), 6-20.