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Post Doctoral Research Fellow: Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management
Name: Pavitra Dhamija
Industrial Psychology and People Management Post Doctoral Research Fellows Staff Members
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About Dr. Pavitra Dhamija
Dr. Pavitra Dhamija is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She has more than 8 years of rich experience in academia, research and industry. Dr. Pavitra lectures management and research subjects to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate programmes. Her research work is published widely in high ranked journals and books. Dr. Pavitra capacitates multidisciplinary research interests that includes human behaviour, sustainability, supply chain management and Industry 4.0. Editorially, she serves as reviewer for several journals of repute.
Google Scholar citations: 258
h-index: 7
h10-index: 6
Scopus: h-index: 5