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Postdoctoral fellow
Name: Samuel Nunoo
Location: C1 Lab 433 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Geology Postdoctoral Fellows Staff Members
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About Dr Samuel Nunoo
Dr. Samuel Nunoo is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg, APK Campus. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana (UG), Department of Earth Science (DoEs), and a PhD holder from the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, where he worked on unravelling the potential sources of gold mineralization in NW Ghana. His research over the years focused on understanding the metallogenic source(s) of gold and associated metals in Paleoproterozoic terrains. He is zealous in combining field-relations, U-Pb zircon geochronology and isotopes of Lu-Hf, carbon and sulphur in answering crustal evolution challenges and mechanisms leading to metal sequestration and deposition. Samuel is also a module leader (the metallogenic aspect) of the Basin Research Group, part of the West African Exploration Initiative (WAXI-IV). He is also a co-investigator of an AGATE-sponsored project that investigates structural control of gold mineralization in SW Ghana. He has recently assumed an office as the Chairperson of the Southeastern Sector of the Ghana Institute of Geoscientists. As one who supports the need for a clean energy and climate, Samuel is part of a French-funded Nkambo project piloting to understand the geological characteristics of the Kambale Graphite in NW Ghana, an addition to the global critical mineral inventory.
Current research
Age and setting of the ultramafic-mafic volcanism of the Murchison greenstone belt, South Africa: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Kaapvaal Craton and Archaean antimony mineralization
Recent publications
- Nunoo, S., Owusu-Sasu, T.A., Amponsah, P.O., Achampong, F., Abu, M., Forson, E.D., Ackom, E.K., Touvet, R., Dickson, P., Chegbeleh, L.P., 2024. Geological evaluation of black shale as a suitable Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM) to optimize the use of clinker in cement production. Heliyon 10, e38605.
- Nunoo, S., Abu, M., Ayitey, E., Mvile, B.N., Kalimenze, J.D., 2024. Multi-method machine learning techniques in gold pathfinder elements prediction in central parts of Tanzania using stream sediment geochemical data. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 136, 103766.
- Sakyi, P.A., Kwayisi, D., Nunoo, S., Ocran, E., Su, B.-X., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., 2024. Crustal evolution of alternating Paleoproterozoic belts and basins in the Birimian terrane in southeastern West African Craton. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 220, 105449.
- Kwayisi, D., Amponsah, P.O., Agra, N.A., Nunoo, S., Thompson, J., Kazapoe, R.W., Anani, C.Y., Asiedu, D., Nude, P.M., 2024. Neoproterozoic passive margin formation and evolution during the Rodinia–Gondwana supercontinent cycle at the eastern margin of the West African Craton. Geological Magazine 161(e14): 1–23.
- Forson, E.D., Dzikunoo, E.A., Amponsah, P.O., Menyeh, A., Nunoo, S., Amponsah, T.Y., 2024. Groundwater potential modeling over the eastern part of Ghana’s Northern Region using evidence belief functions and weight of evidence. Earth Science Informatics, 17, 2737–2753.
- Nunoo, S., Mvile, B.N, Abu, M., Kelimenze, J.D., 2023. The search for plausible economic mineral deposits in the central parts of Tanzania; insight from stream sediment geochemistry, multivariate statistics and geostatistics. Heliyon 9, e22702.
- Abu, M., Zango, M.S., Nunoo, S., Anim-Gyampo, M., 2023. Groundwater characterization including prediction of the quality, fluoride, and nitrate occurrence in a typical artisanal mining area in Ghana: A hydrochemical and multivariate statistical approach. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 23, 10104.
- Abu, M., Nunoo, S., Raymond Kazapoe W.R., 2023. Geochemical and multivariate statistical characterization of Shales of the Oti-Pendjari Group of the Neoproterozoic Basin of Ghana: Implication of paleoweathering, climatic conditions, and provenance. Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 8, 115 – 135.
- Atanga, F., Amponsah, P.O., Nunoo, S., Kwayisi, D., Forson, E.D., Akabzaa, T.M., Prosper Nude, P.M., 2023. The geology and geochemistry of the Rhyacian Josephine gold deposit, Northwest Ghana. Applied Earth Science, (3-4), 252 – 270.
- Ibrahim, K., Manu, J., Nyame F.K., Nunoo, S., Owusu-Akyaw, F.K.B., 2022.The significance of carbonates in gold mineralization process of the Ashanti Gold Belt: evidence from the country rocks of Ashanti and Prestea gold mines, Ghana. Science and Development, Volume 6, No. 2, ISSN: 2821-9007.
- Abu, M., Ehinola, O.A., Adeleye, M.A., Asiedu, D.K., Nunoo, S., 2022. Inorganic geochemistry and hydrocarbon potential of the Voltaian basin of Ghana, West Africa. Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology 141, 105685.
- Nunoo, S., Hofmann, A., Kramers, J., 2022. Geology, zircon U–Pb dating and εHf data for the Julie greenstone belt and associated rocks in NW Ghana: Implications for Birimian-to-Tarkwaian correlation and crustal evolution. Journal of African Earth Science 186, 104444.
- Nunoo, S., Manu, J., Owusu-Akyaw, F.K.B., Nyame, F.K., 2022. Impact of artisanal small-scale (gold and diamond) mining activities on the Offin, Oda and Pra Rivers in southern Ghana, West Africa: A scientific response to public concern. Heliyon, 8 (12), e12323.
- Ngatcha, R.B., Suh, C.E., Okunlola, O.A., Nunoo, S., Ateh, K.I., Elburg, M., Hofmann, A., 2022. Crustal modelling from Pan-African granites of the Colomine Gold District, SE Cameroon: Insights from zircon U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotope systematics. Journal of African Earth Science 186, 104441.