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Visiting Associate Professor: Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management
Name: Surajit Bag
Transport and Supply Chain Management Esteemed Visiting Professors Staff Members
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About Dr. Surajit Bag
Dr. Surajit Bag is working as an Associate Professor of Practice with the CBE, Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Prior joining academia, Dr. Surajit has served manufacturing industries of repute for eleven years at various senior positions that include Section Head: Supply Chain at Tega Industries, South Africa plant.
Dr. Surajit has published research work in ABDC-A and A* ranked journals. His substantive areas of research interest comprise of Industry 4.0, Supply chain management and Circular economy. Dr. Surajit is the proud recipient of “AIMS-IRMA Young Management Researcher Award 2016” for his significant contribution towards management research.Editorially, Dr. Surajit is an Associate Editor of International Journal of Applied Logistics (IGI Global). He features on the Editorial board of journals like International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (T&F), International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalization (Inderscience), Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (SAGE) and International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IGI Global). He is also International Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development and International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IGI Global).