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Senior Lecturer
Name: Talent Zwane
Location: D Ring 209 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Economics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)11 559 3126
Curriculum Vitae Talent ZwaneAbout Dr Talent Zwane
I am a researcher in the field of development economics and have published in various high impact journals in this field of study. Apart from teaching both undergraduate and post-graduate students, I have supervised masters’ students in the field of Development Economics and have been an external examiner of many masters’ theses. I am a senate member of the University of Johannesburg, have acted as a chairperson at the Virtual Global Development Finance Conference and have participated as a guest speaker at a workshop hosted by the Oversight Committee on the Premier’s Office and the Legislature (OCPOL).
Academic History
PhD (Economics), University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2018)
M.Com (Economics), University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2010)
BA (Hons) Economics. University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2005)
Most Recent Publications
- Mathumo, L. Maleka, R. & Zwane, T. (2023). A panel VECM analysis of the banking sector, access to finance and economic growth: Evidence from SADC region. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, forthcoming
- Udimal, T. Biyase, M. Eita, H. & Zwane, T. (2023). The nexus between military spending and income inequality in BRICS nations. Journal of developing areas, forthcoming.
- Zwane, T. Udimal, T. & Pakmoni, L. (2023). Examining the drivers of agricultural carbon emissions in Africa: an application of FMOLS and DOLS approaches. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Published online
- Biyase, M. Zwane, T. Mncayi, P. & Maleka, M. (2023). Do Technological Innovation and Financial Development Affect Inequality? Evidence from BRICS Countries. International Journal of Financial Studies 11 (1): 43.;
- Zwane, T. Biyase, M & Rooderick, S. (2022). Assessing the impact of social grants on household welfare using propensity score matching approach. International Journal of Development Issues,