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About Prof Elias Mpofu
Elias Mpofu, Ph.D., DEd, CRC, FASROC, MAPS, is professor of health sciences at the University of North Texas, and visiting professor with the University of Johannesburg. He presently Adjunct Research Professor with the Western Sydney University’s Translational Health Research Institute (Campbell Campus) (2019-2022), and Honorary Professor of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney (2017- present), besides other interntional affiliations. A rehabilitation psychologist, Elias Mpofu is recipient of research awards in the health sciences including the the South African National Research Foundation, Australia Research Council, US National Science Foundation, US. National Institutes of Health [NIH] and the US National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research. Professor Elias Mpofu was Head of Discipline of Rehabilitation Counselling at the University of Sydney (2008-2016), providing teaching, research, and service leadership to graduate programmes in rehabilitation counselling at that University. He serviced many committees at the University of Sydney. He was also a past Chair/Convenor of the Rehabilitation Psychology Interest Group of the Australian Psychological Society (2014-2015), panel member of the Australian ICF Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program (AIDRRP), advisory committee member of the World Health Organization’s [WHO] Collaborating Centre for Health Workforce Development in Rehabilitation and Long Term Care (2012-2017) and Examiner for the behavioral health module of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (2012-present) and International Representative of the US National Council of Rehabilitation Education (2010-2012; 2018-2020). Professor at The University of Sydney