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Name: Ingrid Palmary
Location: C Rring 628 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Sociology, Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 2975
About Prof Ingrid Palmary
Ingrid joined UJ as a Professor in January 2018. Prior to that, she worked at the African Centre for Migration & Society at Wits University from 2005 -2017. Ingrid completed her PhD (psychology) at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Before entering academia, Ingrid worked at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation as a senior researcher. Her research has been in the field of gender, violence and displacement. She has published in numerous international journals and is the co-editor of Gender and Migration: feminist interventions published by Zed Press; Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on psychology, women, culture and rights published by Springer; Healing and Change in the City of Gold: Case studies of coping and support in Johannesburg published by Springer. She is the author of Gender, sexuality and migration in South Africa: Governing morality published by Palgrave. Areas of research: Ingrid’s early research focused on women’s engagement with political transition and armed conflict in South Africa and the Great Lakes Region. Since then she has conducted research on critical perspectives on sex work and trafficking, claims brought on the basis of gender-based persecution in the asylum system, the tensions between political and domestic violence and gender mainstreaming in development work, and violence against foreigners.
Recent Publications
Lakika, D., and Palmary, I. 2022. How Can You Call Her a Woman? Male Soldiers’ Views on Women in the DRC Armed Forces. Peace and Conflict Studies, 29(1).
Hamber, B., and Palmary, I. 2021. A Dance of Shadows and Fires: Conceptual and Practical Challenges of Intergenerational Healing after Mass Atrocity. Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 15(3):1-12.
Palmary, I. 2021. Gender, sexuality and migration: Global questions and their colonial legacies. The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration. Palgrave McMillan. pp 73-87.
Palmary, I., and De Gruchy., T. 2020. The globalisation of trafficking and its impact on the South African counter-trafficking legislation. Critical Social Policy, 40(1):50-68.
Palmary, I. 2019. Migrant children separated from their parents: Where does the real risk to children’s safety lie? South African Journal of Psychology 49(1): 7-19.
Palmary, I. 2018. Psychology, migration studies and their disconnections: A review of existing research and future possibilities. South African Journal of Psychology. Stanley, N. Palmary, I. Chantler, K. 2017. Special issue on violence against women in diverse contexts. Families, Relationships and Society.
Palmary, I. 2017. Childhood and the making of a nation. In L. O’Dell and J. Callaghan (eds). Different childhoods. London: Routledge.
Palmary, I. 2016. Governing morality: Gender sexuality and migration in South Africa. Palgrave/Macmillan. Landau, L. B., &
Palmary, I. 2016. Legacies, Linkages and Limits: Teaching Migration Studies in a South African University. Migration Studies, 4(2), 276-280. Palmary, I. 2016. Global feminisms in a time of migration: Gender sexuality and asylum in South Africa. Psychology of Women Section-Review, 18(1), 13–26.
Palmary, I 2016. Post-traumatic stress disorder. In N. Napels (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies.
Palmary, I., & Mahati, S. 2015. Using deconstructing developmental psychology to read child migrants to South Africa. Feminism & Psychology, 25(3), 347-362.
Palmary, I. 2015. Reflections on social cohesion in contemporary South Africa. Psychology in Society, 62-69.
Nyangairi, B and Palmary, I 2015. Watching each other’s back: Coping with precarity in sex work. In I. Palmary, L. Nunez and B. Hamber (eds.), Healing and change in the city of gold: Case studies of coping and support in Johannesburg. New York: Springer.
Palmary, I. Nunez, L and Hamber, B. 2015. Healing and deliverance in the city of gold: Case studies of precarious life in Johannesburg. In I. Palmary, L. Nunez and B. Hamber (eds.), Healing and change in the city of gold: Case studies of coping and support in Johannesburg. New York: Springer.
Palmary I. and Barnes, B. 2015. Critical psychology in Africa: the impossible task. In I. Parker (ed.), Sage Handbook of Critical Psychology. New York: Sage.
Hamber, B., Gallagher, E., Weine, S. M., DasGupta, S., Palmary, I., & Wessells, M. 2015. Towards contextual psychosocial practice. In Psychosocial Perspectives on Peacebuilding (pp. 289-316). Springer International Publishing.
Palmary, I. 2014. A Politics of Feminist Translation: Using Translation to Understand Gendered Meaning-Making in Research, Signs: Journal of Women and Culture in Society: 576-580.
Palmary, I. Nunez, L. Clacherty, G. and Ndlovu, D. 2014. Remembering, healing and telling: community-initiated approaches to trauma care in South Africa. In Hamber, B. (ed.), Peacebuilding, development and social change. New York: Springer.
Palmary, I. 2010. ‘In your experience’: research as gendered cultural translation. Gender place and Culture.18(1): 90-113.
Chereni, A. and Palmary, I. 2010. Social development and migration in South Africa: directions for further research in the region. Social work researcher/practitioner. April: 69-82.
Gould, C. Palmary, I. and Richter, M. 2010. Of Nigerians, albinos, Satanists and anecdotes: A critical reflection on the HSRC report on trafficking. SA Crime Quarterly, 32(2): 37-45. Palmary, I. and Nunez, L. 2009. The orthodoxy of gender mainstreaming: Reflecting on gender mainstreaming as a strategy for accomplishing the millennium development goals. Journal of health management, 11(1): 65-78.
Palmary, I. 2009. Migrations of theory, method and practice: A reflection on themes in migration studies, Psychology in society, 37: 55-66.
Hamber, B. and Palmary, I. 2009. Gender memorialisation and symbolic reparations. In R. Rubio-Marin (ed.), The Gender of Reparations: Unsettling Sexual Hierarchies While Redressing Human Rights Violations. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Palmary I. 2008. Gender race and culture: Unpacking discourses of tradition and culture in UNHCR refugee policy. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 6, 54-65.
Palmary, I. 2007. Positioning feminist research politically: A reflection on tensions and standpoints in African feminist research, POWS Review, 9(1): 23-33.
Edited books
Palmary, I. Nunez, L. and Hamber, B. 2015. Healing and change in the city of gold: Case studies of coping and support in Johannesburg. New York: Springer.
Rutherford, A., Capdevilla, R,. Palmary, I., and Undurti, V. 2011. International feminisms. New York: Springer.
Palmary, I., Burman, E., Chantler, K., and Kiguwa, P. 2010. Gender and migration: Feminist Interventions. London: Zed Press.
Keynote addresses
Palmary, I. 2017. Trafficking: New scandals of slavery amidst old regimes of power. Invited address at the Pan African Psychology Union Conference.
Palmary, I. 2017. How unpopular policy is made: a case study of the South African Trafficking in Persons Act. Keynote address at the UN-WIDER conference on development policy. Accra, Ghana.
Palmary, I. 2006. Positioning feminist research politically: A reflection on tensions and standpoints in African feminist research. Keynote address delivered at the British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section conference 2006.
Palmary, I. 2011. Gender and Migration: past lessons and future possibilities. Presentation at the opening conference of the European Masters in Migration and Intercultural Relations. Oldenberg, Germany.
Palmary, I. 2012. Sex, violence and nation: The gendered nature of xenophobia. Keynote address at the Biannual conference hosted by the Research Institute for Health and Social Change. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Palmary, I. 2015. Keynote address at the conference Violence: Children, Families and society, Northampton University.
Palmary, I. 2015. Invited keynote for Psychology of women section conference of the British Psychological Society.