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Lecturer: Practical Business Law
Name: Ismail Nazreen
Location: Room 223 Cyber Centre, 2nd Floor John Orr Building Doornfontein Campus
Academic Law Staff, Practical Business Law Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 9100
About Ms N Ismail
Nazreen obtained her LLB and LLM in Corporate Law at the University of Johannesburg in 2010 and 2012, respectively. After completing her LLM, Nazreen attended the full time Practical Legal Training Programme.
She tutored Business Law 1 modules at the Department of Practical Business Law in 2011 and joined the same department as a lecturer in 2013. She teaches Business Law 1A and Construction Law 2B, a module which she developed in 2018. She also lectured Business Law 1B, Commercial Law 1A and Commercial Law 2C and provided guest lectures in Applied Legal Studies and other commercial law related modules.
In 2014, she was appointed as the first candidate attorney at the UJ Law Clinic and was based on the Doornfontein Campus whereby she completed her contract of service (the equivalent of a contract of articles). She was admitted as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa in 2016.
She was recently appointed as a member of the Information Regulator’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC).
Nazreen is a doctoral candidate at Saarland University in Germany.
Her research interests include legal aspects of the 4IR, data protection law, international commercial law and legal education.
List of publications
Journal articles:
- Baumann J & Ismail N “The (extra-) territorial scope rules of the new European data protection law form a private international law perspective – a model for South Africa?” Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa (CILSA) Vol 54 (1) 2021 1-49
- Baumann J & Ismail N “The concept of “personal information” in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 – a comparative analysis from a European perspective” Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg TSAR 4 2021 718-738
- Ismail N “Private closed-circuit television surveillance under the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013” Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg TSAR 1 2023 20-37
Book contribution:
Baumann J & Ismail N “Legal uncertainty under the Protection of Personal Information Act” in Watney (ed) The Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of Law and Related Disciplines, 2022 South Africa: University of Johannesburg Press
Book review:
Ismail “DJ Mcquoid Street Law and Public Legal Education: A Collection of Best Practices from Around the World in Honour of Ed O’Brien (2019)” TSAR 1 2022 208-212