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Home » Dr Janice Williamson
Dr Janice Williamson

Name: Janice Williamson
Location: D2 LAB 224 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Botany & Plant Biotechnology Academic Staff  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: +27(0)11 559 2255


About Dr Janice Williamson

Dr Janice Williamson is a Lecturer in the Department of Botany and Plant biotechnology, lecturing Biology for B.Sc. students and Life Sciences FET for education students. She is currently doing her PhD in Botany (Molecular Biology and Systematics specializing in Cycads) and is a member of the African Centre for DNA Barcoding (ACDB). Her research focuses on molecular phylogenetics, comparative analyses and intensive fieldwork of all the South African Encephalartos (Zamiaceae) species where DNA barcoding is applied to combat wildlife crime. The objective is to ensure conservation of biodiversity of the different cycad species in Africa.