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Name: Kibbie Naidoo
Location: 323, APK - D Ring Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: 0115593397
About Dr Kibbie Naidoo
Dr Kibbie Naidoo: Prior to joining UJ, Dr Kibbie taught in Sociology, Industrial Sociology and Higher Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She served as an executive member of the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA). She is co-investigator on the South African Rurality in Higher Education (SARiHE) Project – an ESRC/NRF/Newton collaborative project involving the Universities of Johannesburg, Bristol, Fort Hare, Rhodes and Brighton. Other positions include being Programme Convenor for the Teaching Advancement at University (TAU) Fellowship Programme which is funded by the DHET collaborative Grant and convenor of the South African Universities (SAULT) Forum. Her research interests include scholarship of teaching and learning, rurality in higher education, curriculum development and social justice in higher education.