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Senior Lecturer
Name: Onkgopotse Senatla Madumo
Location: C-RING 411 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 7637
About Dr Onkgopotse Senatla Madumo
- DAdmin: Public Adminstration
- MAdmin: Public Adminstration
- BAdmin: Honours Public Management
- BAdmin: Public Management
Academic Career Profile
Dr Onkgopotse Madumo joined the School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy at the University of Johannesburg as a Senior Lecturer in July 2022. He was previously based at the School of Public Management and Administration, at the University of Pretoria where he worked for over 12 years in different capacities. He possesses Bachelors and an Honours Degree in Public Management, Masters Degree in Public Administration and a Doctorate in Public Administration all from the University of Pretoria. Dr Onkgopotse Madumo currently serves as an Associate Editor of Local Economy journal and also serves in its editorial board in ex-officio capacity. Dr Madumo is also a member of the editorial committee of Administratio Publica. Dr Madumo was also a co-leader of a research cluster that is supported by the South African BRICS Think Tank (SABTT) and the National Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) (2020-2022). Dr Madumo served as an interim Chief Editor of Administratio Publica journal (January 2021- June 2021). He has widely published articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. He has further presented research papers in both domestic and international conferences. Dr Madumo has been invited as a keynote speaker in various fora, including the Western Cape Provincial Department of local government; Gauteng Provincial Legislature, Mandela Washington Fellowship Convening. Dr Madumo has supervised to completion a numerous Masters candidates and has a few PhD candidates. He has also examined numerous postgraduate dissertations and theses and acts as a moderator for coursework modules for other universities. Dr Madumo has served as a consultant for several research projects, including the South African Local Government Association’s Social Cohesion project; SANRAL’s Road Safety Education Project and the Determination of the roles and functions of the different spheres of Government by the Office of the President in South Africa. Dr Madumo is further involved in numerous research projects with collaborators from other universities and research entities in South Africa and some from Tanzania and the United States of America.