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Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Name: Marcina Singh
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows Staff Members
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About Dr Marcina Singh
Marcina is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the South African Research Chair for Teaching and Learning. She received her Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminal Justice, PGCE and Masters in Education from the University of Cape Town with some courses completed at the University of Illinois – Urbana Champagne (USA) and Oulu, University (Finland). She completed her PhD at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. She was previously the academic manager for a private university in Cape Town and then took up a position at the Centre for International Teacher Education as a Research Fellow and Deputy Director.
Her publications and areas of interest are citizenship and social cohesion, decolonisation and decoloniality, teacher professional development, education during times of crises and disruptions as well as general aspects relating to teaching and learning. She has experience working with governmental and non-governmental organizations (Department of Basic Education and Department of Higher Education and Training, VVOB, British Council, NECT, ESRC/DfID). She has developed working relationships with several universities locally and globally, including Stellenbosch University, Tshwane University of Technology, University of the Western Cape, Sussex University and the Tata Institute for Social Sciences in India. The pursuit of equity, equality and social justice is foundational to her work. She has lecturing and supervision experience and has presented at several local and international conferences. She has co-edited a book on initial teacher education (African Sun Media,2018), newly qualified teachers (African Sun Media, 2023) and Inclusive Education in South Africa (British Council, 2022).
Recent publications
Singh, M, (2022). Teachers Lived Experiences of Teaching and Learning in A Rural School in the Western Cape. African Perspectives of Research in Teaching & Learning 6(3) 92-106