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Language / Literacy Facilitator
Name: Miriam Lear
Location: D Ring 312 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Academic Development Centre Staff, Public Law Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 3664
About Miriam Lear
Miriam Lear coordinates “English for Law” on APK. This is a full credit-bearing first-year module which aims to provide students with the academic literacies necessary for success in higher education.
Miriam has an Honours (cum laude) in Applied Linguistics and is currently working towards a Masters. This is her sixth year in the APK ADC. Prior to that, she played a similar role in the former Technikon Witwatersrand on DFC for many years.
She co-authored an article titled “The effectiveness of students redrafting continuous assessment tasks: the pivotal role of tutors and feedback” which was published last year in Perspectives in Education 30(3). She is involved in a longitudinal group research project investigating student perceptions and performance after completing an academic literacies module at UJ.