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Department of Public Management and Governance
Name: Tshilidzi Sithomola
Location: C Ring 407 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3256
About Mr Tshilidzi Sithomola
Qualifications BA Journalism (UJ); BA Hons (Cum Laude) (U); MA (UJ) Mr Tshilidzi Sithomola started his academic career at the University of Johannesburg in 2016. He obtained his Masters Degree from the University of Johannesburg in Public Management and Governance (Coursework). His Masters research revolved around an assessment of the ethical challenges that programme evaluators encounter upon rendering their evaluation obligations: Lessons for South Africa. He lectures Public Management and Governance at the undergraduate level as well as the postgraduate level. He is actively involved in the Lecturing and development of the MA in Public Management and Governance Coursework (online). He is also an active member of the Association of Southern African Schools & Departments of Public Administration & Management (ASSADPAM) as well as the South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM). He is also an active member of the South African Evaluation Association (SAMEA). He is in pursuit of his doctoral degree in Public Management and Governance under the mentorship of seasoned scholars at the University of Johannesburg. His current research interests revolve around fields such public policy, public sector leadership, public sector ethics, monitoring and evaluation, new public management and governance, sustainable development and good governance. Prior his appointment at UJ, Mr Sithomola, served as an undergraduate and postgraduate Lecturer at the University of South African at the Department of Public Administration and Management. PUBLICATIONS Articles in accredited journals Auriacombe, C.J. and Sithomola, T. 2020. The Use of Action of Participatory Action in a Participate Democracy: In Critique of Mechanisms for Citizens Participation. Vol. (1):50-65. Sithomola, 2019. Leadership Conundrum in South Africa’s State-Owned Enterprises: Critical Considerations for Astute and Progressive Leadership. Administratio Publica. Vol. 27(2):62-80. Sithomola, T. & Auriacombe, C.J. 2019. Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Classification System to Improve Democratic Good Governance. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies. Vol. 11(2):86-101. Sithomola, T. & Auriacombe, C.J. 2018. Developing a Logical Framework Design as a Methodological Approach to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). African Journal of Public Affairs. Vol. 10(3):82-101. Sithomola, T.O. & Webb, W.N. 2015. Ethical Challenges for Programme Evaluators: Critical Considerations for Programme Evaluation in South Africa. Administratio Publica. 23(5):230-247.