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Name: Clarissa Muir
Location: B Ring 618A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Strategic Communication Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 4575
About Dr Clarissa Muir
Qualifications: MA Marketing Communication (cum laude), University of Johannesburg, 2007 Clarissa is currently a lecturer within the Department of Strategic Communication at the University of Johannesburg. She lectures both on undergraduate and postgraduate level in Strategic Communication and supervises postgraduate research studies. Her research focuses on the field of Strategic Communication with specific emphasis on organisational purpose as a key component to brands in the current business environment. This is extended to corporate sustainability and how stakeholders make meaning of an organisation’s sustainability efforts. Her work has been presented at both national and international conferences. Clarissa has been extensively involved in corporate training and workshop facilitation and have delivered this to brands such as Discovery, Vodacom (RSA and Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC), Nampak, ABSA, Ster Kinekor, Nedbank, Railway Furnishers, Santam, SABC, Jet and Netcare. She has also held a full-time lecturing position at the University of Pretoria and was National Academic Navigator at Vega School of Brand Leadership before joining the University of Johannesburg where she is currently completing her doctoral studies.
Research Interests: Brand building in a digital era, brand purpose, corporate organisational sustainability and the role of an organisational purpose therein and decolonised curricula in a South African tertiary educational context.
Achievements: 2017- Award for one of the best presenters at the the Conference on Corporate Communication 2017 (Baruch College, New York).
Journal publications:
Verwey, S., Benecke, R & Muir, C. (2017). Purpose and practice: educating PR professionals for the future. Communicare: 36. Jul.
Verwey, A, du Plessis, F & Muir, C. (2016). The future proof organisation. Human Capital Review, 9(01).
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2014). Managing online user generated brand risk: an exploratory case study of selected South African cellular service provider brands. Communitas: 19(1): 136-155.
Muir, C & Crystal, A. (2005). Cellular phones as an m-commerce application in the emerging youth market in South Africa. Communicare: 24(1).
Books and chapters in books:
Muir, C & Verwey, S. (2018). Introduction: Crafting Content in a Collaborative Economy. In: In: Pritchard, M & Sitto. K. Connect: Writing or Online audiences.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2018). Metrics and Analytics for Measuring Social Media Return on Investment. In: Pritchard, M & Sitto. K. Connect: Writing or Online audiences.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2011). Ethical corporate communication cultures within brand environments. In: Hyde-Clarke, N. Communication and Media Ethics. Juta.
Cook, G & Muir, C. (2010). Digital Communication. In: du Plessis, F, Bothma, C, Jordaan, Y & van Heerden, N. Integrated Marketing Communication.
Van Schaik. Muir, C. (2009). Online public relations within the New Economy. In: Rensburg, R & Cant, M. (ed.) Public Relations: African Perspectives (2nd ed.) Sandton: Heinemann.
Conference proceedings (in the last 5 years):
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2018). 8th Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference held in Greece (Athens) from 17-20 July 2018.
Verwey, S., Muir, C & Crystal, A. (2015). Sustainability of client-agency relationships: A South African case study. Proceedings of the International Public Relations Association of South Africa Conference, Johannesburg, 27-29 September 2015.
Conference participation (in the last 5 years):
Muir, C & Verwey, S. (2018). Dark art of art? Moral accountability in South African public relations practice. 8th Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference held in Greece (Athens) from 17-20 July 2018.
Muir, C & Verwey, S. (2018). #PRcurriculumsmustfall. Disciplined imagination and the decolonisation of PR education in SA Higher Education Institutions. SACOMM: Johannesburg.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2017). Realizing business benefits within a re-defined client agency business model: a South African client system perspective. CCI Conference: Baruch College: New York.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2017). Brand Leadership and Purpose-led Behaviour: a Case Study of South Africa. CCI Conference: Baruch College: New York.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2017). What Value in Brand Virtue? I-gens and Responsible Consumerism. Public lecture at the Middlesex University (UK, London)
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2017). Ubuntu as moral philosophy for ethical public relations practice in communal contexts: A South African perspective. CMC Conference 2017: Zaragoza: Spain.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2017). Bell Pottinger and the Dark Art of PR: Ethics of individuality versus ethics of communality. SACOMM 2017: Grahamstown: South Africa.
Verwey, S., Muir, C & Benecke, R. (2017). Purpose and practice: educating PR professionals for the future. PRISA 2017: Johannesburg.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). 11th Global Brand Conference – Bradford (UK) 2016. Woolworths or Woolworse? Online reputational risks of brand virtue in a volatile brand ecosystem: a South African case study.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). CCI – Corporate Communication International Conference 2016 (Baruch, New York). Responsibility or accountability? Responsiveness of the South African Business Sector to Social Issues of Migration.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). CCI – Corporate Communication International Conference 2016 (Baruch, New York). What Value in Brand Virtue? I-gens and Responsible Consumerism.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference 2016 (Cracow, Poland). User-experiences of wearable technology in the management of personal health and fitness information.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference 2016 (Cracow, Poland). Achieving strategic imperatives within a given client-agency relationship: A South African perspective.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). Zambia Public Relations Association Conference 2016 (Livingstone, Zambia). The rise of PR or the fall of the agency model? Challenges and changes in the South African PR and communication context.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2016). Zambia Public Relations Association Conference 2016 (Livingstone, Zambia). The design of integrated brand solutions and its relevance within an attention economy.
Verwey, S., Muir, C. & Crystal, A. (2015). CCI – Corporate Communication International Conference (Baruch College/CUNY (Hong Kong). Implications of strategic communication practice for sustainability of client-agency relationships: A South African case study.
Verwey, S & Muir, C. (2015). PRISA International Public Relations Association of South Africa Conference. Sustainability of client-agency relationships: A South African case study.
Verwey, S. & Muir, C. (2014). CCI – Corporate Communication International Conference (Baruch College/CUNY (Hong Kong). User Generated Brand Risk within Communities of Affinity of South African Cellular Service Providers.
Verwey, S., Muir, C. & Niemand, C. (2014). Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference (Dubai, UAE). Technology as a driver of radical brand innovation – from internet to outernet.
Verwey, S. & Muir, C. (2014). Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference (Dubai, UAE). Drivers of Brand Affinity in Open Source Brand Communities: The Case of SABC Radio.
Muir, C. & Crystal, A. (2014). Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference (Dubai, UAE). An exploratory study of Metro FM’s collaboration strategies.
Verwey, S. & Muir, C. (2014). Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC) Conference, (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Gemelli 1, Milan (Italy)). From Control to Collaboration: Navigating the Collaborative Turn in Brand Management –A South African Perspective.
Verwey, S. & Muir, C. (2014). SACOMM Conference 2014 (South African Communication Association). User Generated Brand Risk within Millennials as a Community of Affinity: a case study of South African Cellular Service Providers.
Verwey, S. & Muir, C. (2014). SACOMM Conference 2014 (South African Communication Association). Digital Trends, Challenges and Business Change: A Case Study of South African Brand Management Agencies.