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Senior Research Associate
Name: Pamela Mreji
SARChI TRCTI Visiting Scholars Staff Members
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About Dr Pamela Mreji
Pamela is currently undertaking a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with the DST/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, 4IR and Sustainable Development at the University Of Johannesburg. She is a Lecturer of innovation and entrepreurship at the Technical University of Kenya and also an Adjunct Faculty at Strathmore Business School, where she leads entrepreneurial programs in Innovation, Strategy and sustainability. Pamela is a Queen Elizabeth Scholar with the Open African Innovation Research network (Open AIR) where is undertaking research on gender and Innovation, a Fellow of the Futures Entrepreneurship Centre at Plymouth University- UK and a non-resident fellow at the Africa Centre for Technology studies (ACTS), where she is undertaking research focusing on capability building for women entrepreneurs in Kenya. Education PhD Business Management: Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria, S. Africa MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship: The Alliance Manchester Business School, UK MBA Strategic Management (management of small and medium enterprises): Maseno University, Kenya BSc Horticulture: Egerton University, Kenya Research interests Pamela research interests are in innovation and development; with a focus on promoting innovation for entrepreneurship growth towards sustainable development. Other focus areas are gender and innovation, entrepreneurial ecosystems, transformative innovation and the 4th industrial revolution. Selected publications and conference proceedings 1. Mreji, P. and Barnard, H (2021) The micro-foundations of the returnee liability: The interpersonal challenges of returnee entrepreneurs in Kenya. Journal of International Management, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2. Paper ‘Knowledge Acquisition and Assimilation for Innovation in underdeveloped countries: The case of returnee entrepreneurs in Kenya’ presnted at the 2nd Afrcalics Conference in Kigali- Rwanda, Nov. 2015. 3. Paper ‘The role of Returnee Entrepreneurs in upgrading Innovation and Entrepreneurial growth in Underdeveloped Countries: An Institutional Perspective’ presented at the 19th Association of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE) conference in Sydney- Autralia, in September 2016. 4. Paper ‘Returned Migration and Entrepreneurial development in Africa: A Legitimacy Perspective’ presented at DRUID conference, Copenhagen, Denmark in June 2018