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Visiting Professor: Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management
Name: Arnold Bakker
Industrial Psychology and People Management Esteemed Visiting Professors Staff Members
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About Prof Arnold Bakker
Prof Arnold Bakker is currently a Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam and he was the past president of the European Society for Work and Organisational Psychology. He has 495 publications and is known for the development of the Job- Demands-Resources model and his work on Work Engagement. Moveover, has developed a number of instruments such as the Job-Demands-Resources Scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the Work-Related Flow Inventory and the Job Crafting Scale. He is one of the most cited researchers in the field of Positive Organisational Psychology. Further, he has supervised numerous undergraduate, Master’s and PhD research projects and he has received a number of research grants in the Netherlands and Australia.
He is a member of an array of international professional organisations, and acted as Editor, Guest Editor and Reviewer for a number of journals and serves on various journal boards. He further collaborated on a number of research projects with international researchers.
- Google Scholar citations: 178794
- h-index: 176
- h10-index: 502
- Scopus: h-index: 106