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Director / Chair
Name: Cecile Nieuwenhuizen
Location: Ground floor, left wing Johannesburg Business School
SARChI in Entrepreneurship Education Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 4369
About Prof Cecile Nieuwenhuizen
Cecile Nieuwenhuizen is the Chair of the DHET-NRF SARChI Entrepreneurship Education. She graduated from Rand Afrikaans University with a BA (Communications) in 1978; a Diploma in Small Business Management from Damelin 1981; Master in Business Leadership (MBL) from Unisa in 1989 and PhD in Business Management (Entrepreneurship) from Potchefstroom University in 1999. The title of her thesis was “Criteria for the Financing of small industrialists” She started her academic career in 1994 as a lecturer and was promoted through the various post levels to Professor in 2004. She was Head of the Department Business Management at UNISA for four years (2004-2007) and at the University of Johannesburg for eight years (2008-2016). In 2019 she was awarded the DHET-NRF SARChI Entrepreneurship Education, from 2019-2024. In 2020 her google scholar h-index was 18 with 1439 citations, she is editor and/or co-author of 47 books including follow-up editions, presented papers at 37 international conferences, 16 national conferences, 35 articles in accredited journals and supervised eight Doctorates and 18 Master students to graduation. She received three international best paper awards and was the organiser of various national and international conferences. As a husband and wife team and later with their children team they have started, established and grown their own businesses in various sectors since 1981. Currently she is involved on an ad hoc basis in the extended family business that employs 500 people in the business services sector as well seven state of the art facilities where they provide care for the aged. Cecile’s most recent research output include: Books: Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Ch 17 Marketing in Developing Countries. in Marketing Management – an African Perspective. Cant, M. & Van Heerden, C.H.(Eds). Juta, Cape Town. 4th ed. (one chapter) Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Ch 2. Basics of Entrepreneurship. 3rd edition. Editor and one chapter. Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Ch 4. Social Entrepreneurship. In Principles of General Management: A responsible approach for Africa. Juta, Cape Town. (one chapter) Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. Ch 3 Entrepreneurship Business Management – An African Perspective. Juta, Cape Town. (Editor and one chapter). Nieuwenhuizen,C. 2019. Ch Creating Valuable Capabilities. In Practicing Strategy A southern African context. 2nd Ed. Venter, P. (Ed). Juta, Cape Town. (one chapter). Nieuwenhuizen, C. & Nieman, C. (Eds). 2018. Ch 1 The Nature and Development of Entrepreneurs; Ch 8 Financing an entrepreneurial venture; Ch 15 Growth Strategies and Options. in Entrepreneurship, A South African Perspective. 4th Ed. Van Schaik, Pretoria. ISBN 978-0-627-03593-7 (Editor and three chapters). Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2018. Introduction to Business Management for the Entrepreneur. In Business Management for Entrepreneurs. 4th edition. Nieuwenhuizen, C. (Ed). Juta, Cape Town. (editor and one chapter) Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2018. Entrepreneurship in small, medium and micro enterprises. and Setting up a business. In Entrepreneurship and How to Establish Your Own Business. 6th edition. Botha, B. (Ed). Juta, Cape Town. (two chapters) Articles: Musara, M. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2021. Motivations and Unique challenges of foreign-owned Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa. Development Southern Africa. Jegede, O. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2021. Assessing the entrepreneurial ecosystem of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) researchers in Nigeria. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. Van Tonder, C., Nieuwenhuizen, C., Bossink, B.A.G. & Schachtebeck, C. 2020. A Framework for Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation. Croatian Journal of Management. Jegede, O. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Factors Influencing Business Start-Ups Based on Academic Research. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. Musara, M. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. A Value Proposition Mix Framework of Successful foreign-owned Small and Medium Enterprises. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Musara, M. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Informal sector entrepreneurship, Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Leadership. Africa Journal of Management. Louw, C. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Digitalisation strategies in a South African banking context: A consumer services analysis. South African Journal of Information Management. DOI: Louw, C. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Digitalization strategies for SMEs: A cost vs. skill approach for website development. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development. 12(2), 195-202. Taylor & Francis. Makka, A.M. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. Foreign Direct Investment Plans of Multinational Enterprises Currently Operating in South Africa. Acta Universitatis Danubius.15(7), 90-107. ISSN Online version 2065-3891; print version 2065-0175. Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. The Effect of Regulations and Legislation on Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises in South Africa. Development Southern Africa. Taylor & Francis Online. 36(5), 666-677. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2019.1581053. ISSN: 0376-835X Schachtebeck, C., Groenewald, D. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. Intrapreneurial orientation in SMEs: Development of a South African measuring instrument. Acta Commercii. 19(2) Pages 1-13,DOI: ISSN: 1684-1999. Datta, P., Peck, J., Koparan, I. and Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2018. Entrepreneurial Continuance Logic: The Interplay between Climate, Commitment, and Entrepreneurial Responsiveness. Management Decision. Emerald Insight.; ISSN: 0025-1747 Scopus listed. Schachtebeck, C., Groenewald, D. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2018. Assessment of Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Orientation constructs: An analysis of past research. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research. 13(2) 264-273. doi:10.21511/ppm.14(3-2).2016.09 Scopus listed. Publisher: Centre for Business and Economic Research. ISSN: 1751-8202 Makka, A. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2018. Multinational enterprises perceptions of the national corporate social responsibility priority issues for South Africa. Social Responsibility Journal. 14(4) 828-842. ISSN 1747-1117. Schachtebeck, C., Groenewald, D. & Nieuwenhuizen. 2018. Pilot studies: Use and misuse in South African Small Business Research. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Vol. 14 (1): 5-19. IBSS listed. Publisher: Danubius University of Galati. ISSN: 2065-0175 Vermaak, C., Görgens-Ekermans, G. and Nieuwenhuizen. 2017. Shift work, emotional labour and the psychological well-being of nursing staff. Journal of Contemporary Management Issues. Vol. 22 (2) 35-48. ISSN1331-0194. Publisher: University of Split, Faculty of Economics. International conference proceedings: Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2020. Innovation and Social Value Creation of Female Social Entrepreneurs in Africa. 15th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Online conference. Pp419-427. DOI: 10.34190/EIE.20.027 Bronkhorst, S. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. Globalization, internationalization and export opportunities for South Africa. 10th International Trade & Academic Research Conference (ITARC) 14-15th October 2019, London-UK. Musara, M. and Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. Development of an Integrative Business Model Innovation Framework. 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE). 690-698. Kalamata, Greece. ISSN: 2049-1050 Bronkhorst, S. and Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. The South African Forestry Industry with Possibilities of Entering the International Hardwood Industry. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Spain. 41-51; ISSN: 1935-0583. Louw, C. and Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2019. Online, Community-driven E-Commerce Platforms and the Rise of Lifestyle Commerce – a Conceptual Study. 7th Annual Winter Global Business Conference, Tignes, France. Ratsoma, L. & Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2018. Development of entrepreneurial black women-owned investment organisations with equity in JSE-listed companies. 12th International Business Conference, Mauritius. Datta, P., Peck, J., Koparan, I. and Nieuwenhuizen, C. 2017. Entrepreneurial Continuance Logic: The Interplay of Commitment and Entrepreneurial Responsiveness. Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Washington DC, USA.