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Home »Associate Professor
Name: Charmaine Arderne
Location: C2 Lab 215 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2360
Curriculum Vitae Charmaine ArderneAbout Prof Charmaine Arderne
Teaching Duties:
I teach Physical and Inorganic Chemistry more especially Structural Inorganic Chemistry to 2nd year students, Physical Chemistry to first year students and Chemical Crystallography to Honours students.
Research Interests:
I have a PhD in Chemical Crystallography and my field of research involves the study of inorganic-organic hybrid materials using crystallographic methods. My current research involves the investigation of various physical properties of chemical compounds that have potential applications in renewable energy, more especially compounds that have application in their use in solar panels. We investigate their crystal structures using Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SCXRD), we study their thermal properties (using DSC, TGA and other thermal methods), their magnetic properties using Vibrating Sample Magnetometry (VSM), their photoluminescent properties using UV-Vis (and high-pressure UV-Vis to determine their band gaps) and their crystalline nature using Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD).
External links: