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Associate Professor
Name: Corné Davis-Buitendag
Location: B-Ring 617A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Strategic Communication Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 2035
About Prof Corné Davis-Buitendag
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Prof Corné Davis-Buitendag is an associate professor at the Department of Strategic Communication. Her field of expertise is gender-based violence (GBV) and she has published several national and international papers on this topic on academic and industry platforms. She has been interviewed on national television and radio channels multiple times and has been leading funded research projects on GBV. She has supervised a number of masters and doctoral studies on GBV and gender identity. She lectures modules in strategic communication at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. She has received the Faculty of Humanities Dean’s award for outstanding academic citizenship in 2022 and won the overall Woman of Stature award for South Africa in 2023 for her work related to GBV. She is currently involved in national and international GBV research projects, including TEARS Foundation’s Help-at-Your-Fingertips GBV victim mapping and profiling, and University of Western’s international IPV prevention and intervention study.
Research Interests: gender-based violence, global sustainability, corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness, employee well-being, social activism, organisational purpose
Achievements: (if relevant):
2021 Faculty of Humanities extra mile award
2022 Faculty of Humanities Dean’s award for outstanding academic citizenship
2022 Woman of Stature Award for woman in education and training
2022 Woman of Stature Award for overall winner
Journal publications:
Verwey, S. & Davis, C. (2011). Sociocybernetics and autopoiesis – new laws of organisational form? Communicare 30(2):2-26
Verwey, S. & Davis, C. (2012). Network Direct Selling Organisations: a schismatic perspective.
Communicare 31(2):57-77.
Davis, C. (2012). A second-order cybernetic explanation for the existence of network direct selling organisations as self-creating systems. Communitas 57(1):76-88.
Davis, C. (2013). Die belang van Niklas Luhmann vir kommunikasieteorie: ‘n Inleidende interpretasie. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 53(1):73-88.
Davis, C. (2015). Domestic violence in the workplace! Business Brief April/May 2015. Available at: bbrief platform for thought-leadership
Davis, C. (2017). The communicative co-constitution of gender-based violence through functional differentiation. International American Journal of Social Science 6(1):32-44
Davis, C. & Meerkotter, D.N. (2017). Exploring the heuristic value of non-personal data for sexual- and gender-based violence prevention and intervention in South Africa. African Safety Promotion 15(1):16-37.
Sitto, L., Davis, C., & Matema, L. (2018). Reflection on a collaborative teaching project about gender inequality: students learning by doing through transdisciplinarity – SOTL in the South (special issue) 2(1):21-41.
Sitto, K. & Davis. C. (2020). Hidden figures – Re-framing gender prototyping from a communication science perspective. Accepted for publication in Agenda (Special edition 2020).
Davis, C. (2020). How the private sector can address the issue of gender-based violence. African Safety Promotion 18(1): 105-116.
Binneman, A. & Davis, C. (2020). Star stories: using indigenous knowledge for stakeholder engagement. Communitas 25: 1-17.
Davis, C., Kuhudzai, A. & Dalal, K. (2023). Knowledge, perceptions, beliefs and opinions of the employees about GBV: a national online study in South Africa. BMC Women’s Health 23(1):565
Davis, C. (2023). Gender-based violence as a consequence of functional differentiation. Soziale Systeme 27(1-2):62-84.
Davis, C. (2023). Exploring the impact of gender-based violence in South Africa. A partnership between University of Johannesburg and Mid Sweden University. The Thinker 95:50-53.
Books and chapters in books:
Binneman, A. & Davis, C. (2020). From Management to Engagement: How South Africa’s Square Kilometer Array Project Transformed its Interactions with Stakeholder Groups. NASA Special edition on Square Kilometre Array. Elsevier.
Davis, C. (2020). Strategic communication practice in communicatively constituted contexts. Perspectives on strategic communication. In Verwey, S., Benecke, D.R. & Phumo, T. (Eds). Strategic Communication. South African perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp.113-137
Davis, C. (2021). What is research? In Du Plooy-Cilliers, F., Davis, C. & Bezuidenhout, R. (Eds.) Research matters. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp.1-20
Bezuidenhout, R. & Davis, C. (2014). From topic to research question. In Du Plooy-Cilliers, F., Davis, C. & Bezuidenhout, R. (Eds.) Research matters. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp.69-80.
Davis, C. (2021). The aims of research. In Du Plooy-Cilliers, F., Davis, C. & Bezuidenhout, R. (Eds.) Research matters. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp. 81-92
Davis, C. (2021). The research rationale. . In Du Plooy-Cilliers, F., Davis, C. & Bezuidenhout, R. (Eds.) Research matters. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp. 105-113
Davis, C. (2021). Conceptualisation In Du Plooy-Cilliers, F., Davis, C. & Bezuidenhout, R. (Eds.) Research matters. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp.121-134
Davis, C. (2021). Constructing arguments in research. In Du Plooy-Cilliers, F., Davis, C. & Bezuidenhout, R. (Eds.) Research matters. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp. 135-144
Davis, C. (2023). Sense and sensemaking. In Angelopulo, G. & Lubinga, E (Eds.). Introduction to communication studies. 3rd edition. Cape Town: Juta, pp. 29-58
Conference proceedings (in the last 5 years):
Benecke, D.R. & Davis, C. (2022). Adopting a network perspective for stakeholder engagement and research during covid-19: the case of GBV research among private sector organisations in South Africa. Reboot: Should organizations rediscover communication with internal and external stakeholders? Bledcom: 29th International Public Relations Symposium July 1-2 2022.
Conference participation (in the last 5 years):
2022. The costly impact of GBV: private sector perceptions and realities in South Africa. Keynote speaker. JSE 11 August 2022.
2023. Shared Value Africa gender equality forum. Panel member. Hosted online on 8 March 2023.
2023. CEO Connect Forum. Keynote speaker. Johannesburg Stock Exchange on 18 August 2023.
2023. College of Business and Economics. Eagles fly above the storm. Keynote speaker. 19 September 2023. file:///C:/Users/cdavis/OneDrive%20%20University%20of%20Johannesburg/2024/NRF/Events/2023%20CBE_Womans_Conference2023_Programme_24xA4_PRINT.pdf
2023. Brand recognition, reputation, influence, credibility and market-shared opportunity. Keynote speaker. Shared Value Series. Rwanda, 17-19 October 2023.
2024. Corporate Affairs symposium. Panel member. Johannesburg stock exchange on 22 October 2024.
2024. City of Johannesburg 16 days of activism campaign. Panel member. 29 November 2024.
2024. Together for all. Survivor centred response summit. Panel member. TEARS Foundation. Johannesburg Stock Exchange on 6 December 2024.