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Professor and Director of the School of Public Management, Governance & Public Policy
Name: Dominique Uwizeyimana
Location: A Ring 423 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2385
About Professor Dominique Emmanuel Uwizeyimana
Professor Dominique Emmanuel Uwizeyimana is a Full Professor and Director of the School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy (SPMGPP) at the University of Johannesburg. He is an NRF-Rated researcher specialising in public policy, programme and project implementation and evaluation. He holds a BA (cum laude) (UWC), BA Hons (cum laude) (US), Master of Social Science (UCT) and a D Litt et Phil (UJ) – all in the field of Public Management and Governance.
Professor Uwizeyimana aims to grow into a more seasoned and well-rounded public policy analyst based on international standards. His noteworthy contributions to the extension of knowledge in his field over the years can be grouped into the following two broad categories:
- Public policy analysis and management (with a particular focus on Public Policy and Programmes Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) issues).
- Theories of Public Administration, Management and Governance (including Human Rights, leadership for social justice, democratic governance, and sustainable development issues).
He has supervised several postgraduate students and published articles and book chapters on these issues in highly rated national and international peer-reviewed and DHET-accredited journals. His current Google Citation Index reflects 587 citations, H-index:13, and i10-Index:19 [12/12/2022].
Professor Uwizeyimana has successfully supervised over a hundred honours research projects, dozens of Masters’ candidates, and five (5) doctorates and continues to be actively involved in postgraduate supervision. He currently supervises 7 PhDs, 12 Masters, and 4 Post-Doctoral Research.
External Academic Leadership and The Media
Professor Uwizeyimana is a member of several international associations, such as the South African Monitoring & Evaluation Association (SAMEA), South African Association for Public Administration and Management (SAPAM), Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM) and African Association of Public Administration and Management (AAPAM). He is also a member of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA).
Professor Uwizeyimana has guest-edited several national and international DHET-accredited journals such as the African Renaissance Journal, the African Journal of Governance and Development, Acta Commercii, Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review, and Politeia.
He has organised and chaired/co-chaired and delivered welcome speeches at international conferences at the 5th Annual International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM-18) at UTAMU – Uganda (2018) and the ICGLST-2023 (Kabale University) as part of the SPMGPP Robust Pan-Africanist Agenda and in line with UJ (CBE) Strategic Objective 3: Global Excellence and Stature (GES) and Strategic Objective 5: National and Global Reputation Management (pan-African partnerships) of UJ Strategic Plan 2025.
Professor Uwizeyimana has externally examined Masters’ dissertations and PhD theses for many national and international universities. His professional and expert analysis has been sought by several local and international media and political parties within South Africa and outside South Africa.
Committee Participation
Professor Uwizeyimana is a member of several UJ, CBE, and SPMGPP committees. He is a member Senate (UJ), the Board of the College of Business and Economics (BoC-CBE), CBE-Higher Degree Committee (CBE-HDC, including HDAC), the College of Business and Economics Research Ethics Committee (CBE-REC), and the SPMGPP Research Ethics Committee (SPMGPP-REC). His committee membership includes CBE: Teaching & Learning Committees, CBE: Decolonisation and 4IR Committee, and CBE: Library Committee. Previously, he was a member of the CBE: Higher Degrees Committee (CHDC), CBE: Co-operative Work Integrated Education Committee (CCWIEC), CBE task team: Knowledge Creation, CBE task team: Decolonisation, the SPMGPP: Experiential Learning Committee (WIL Committee), CBE: Community Engagement Committee, Coordinator: SPMGPP Community Engagement Committee, and the CBE/SPMG: Tutor and Mentorship Programme Coordination Committees (APK&SWC).
Leadership Attributes
Regarding his leadership attributes, Professor Uwizeyimana is the current Director (Acting) of the SPMGPP (January – June 2023). Prior to this appointment, he served as one of the programme heads of the SPMGP at the Soweto Campus (2014 – 2023).
He was Deputy-Chairperson: College of Business and Economics Research Ethics Committee (CBE-REC) and Chairperson: SPMGPP Research Ethics Committee (SPMGPP-REC). He actively participates in several SPMGP and CBE committees promoting UG and PG students’ interests. He teaches and coordinates UG and PG modules at UJ (APK and Soweto Campuses). He was also a senior member of the Students’ Academic Development Practitioner (SADP) at the University of Limpopo (2013 to June 2014).
National and International Collaboration
Professor Uwizeyimana is a firm believer in Pan-Africanism and continues to play an active role in the internationalisation of the University of Johannesburg. He has contributed significantly to attaining UJ and CBE goals in advancing the UJ Pan-African and internationalisation agenda. Among the many MoUs, he facilitated are the Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU), the Uganda Local Government Association (ULGA); the Civil Service College of Uganda (in Jinja); the Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology (JUST) in Mogadishu, Somalia; JAZEERA University (Somalia), the Jimma University (Ethiopia), the University of Mauritius, the University of Zimbabwe, the Chinhoyi University of Technology (Zimbabwe); the Bindura University of Science Education in Zimbabwe, SIMAD University (SU) as well as the University of Somalia (UNISO).
Professor Uwizeyimana established a sustainable partnership between the University of Johannesburg and the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) that has allowed hundreds of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the SPMGPP at APK and SWC to participate in several GPL processes to gain practical experience.
Management and Administration
Professor Uwizeyimana is the current Director (Acting) of the SPMGPP (January – June 2023). He continues to be a member of the senior SPMGPP management team at SWC where he coordinated the PLG-Blended learning programme at SWC. He manages a research group of four Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDRFs) and is in the process of appointing a few Research Associates. He was the coordinator of the Awareness, Surveillance, Advocacy and Prevention (ASAP) for Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Diseases in Africa (2009-2010) and the African Paediatric Fellowship Programme (APFP) (2007-2009) at the University of Cape Town.
Community Engagement
Professor Uwizeyimana drove several community engagements and student support initiatives within the CBE and the SPMGP. He has coordinated community engagement projects such as Africa House College, Johannesburg Zoo, the Refilwe Community Orphanage, Pickitup, ARE SEBETSENG, “Dare to Read project” at Coronation Recreation Centre, and several Mandela Day projects.
Continuing Education
Professor Uwizeyimana is a firm believer in continuing education to keep track of the new developments in the discipline. He has attended several professional education workshops and training to sharpen his teaching, learning, evaluation and curriculum development skills and techniques. Among the many professional development initiatives he has attended are: The Workshop on “Teaching with technology”, the workshop on Fundamentals of Digital Teaching and Learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), Workshop on Master’s and PhD Supervision, the Workshop on Curriculum Development & Assessment, Workshop on Engaging All Students In Learning In The Online Environment, Introduction to Case Study Writing & Teaching, Teaching & Learning Master Class on engaging students in the online environment, Workshop on the Future of Governance, 4IR and Related Concepts, and CBE Ethics Training.
Finally, regarding Third-stream Income, Professor Uwizeyimana has generated R50 000 in funding from NRF and is currently engaged in developing Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) to create more third-stream income for UJ and SPMGPP in the future.