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Name: Elizabeth Lubinga
Location: B Ring 618B Bunting Road Campus
Department of Strategic Communication Staff, Faculty of Humanities, Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 4070
About Prof Elizabeth Lubinga
- PhD; Tilburg University/Universiteit Van Tilburg, Netherlands
- Master of Philosophy (Journalism); University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
- BA Honours (Mass Communication); MUK
Prof Elizabeth Lubinga is an Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic Communication. Her teaching experience spans across various communication subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is an NRF-Rated Researcher. She has published several peer-reviewed journal articles, edited books, book chapters and presented papers at various national and international conferences. She has supervised postgraduate students at different levels.
Research Interests: Health Communication, Communication for Development and Social change, Digital Health communication, Digital Health Disparities, Health Communication Strategies.
Achievements: (if relevant):
2024. Erasmus Teaching Mobility, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2022-2027. NRF-Rated Researcher, C2
2020. Nominated for Humanities 2020 Teaching and Learning ‘Student Choice’ Award, University of Johannesburg.
2015. Best Female Researcher, Faculty of Humanities, University of Limpopo.
2014. Most Resourceful Member of Staff, Faculty of Humanities, University of Limpopo.
2011. SAPIENT Erasmus Mundus, Staff Mobility, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Journal publications:
Lubinga, E. 2024. Reflections, Recommendations for Future Health Crises: Discordance Between Public Health Policy and African Death Socio-Cultural Communication? Ponte International Journal of Sciences and Research, 80 (1): 1. DOI: 10.21506/j.ponte.2024.1.1
Manyuha, I.M, & Lubinga, E. 2024. Micro-engagements through AI-smartwatch wearables for ehealth: user experiential discourses on social media. The Thinker, 101 (4): 31-43
Mogano, D.S.M., & Lubinga, E. 2024. Do mHealth apps amplify the digital divide? assessing the use of mobile health digital technologies among rural communities in South Africa. Annals of the University of Craiova for Journalism, Communication and Management, 10:51-59.
Lubinga, E., & Sitto-Kaunda, K. 2023. Public Responses to Multiphased Fear and Pro-Social Emotional Appeals from the South African Government’s COVID-19 Health Communication Strategies. Communitas, 8: 86-102.
Sobane, K., Lubinga, E., & Sitto-Kaunda, K. 2023. Towards inclusive PE for science granting councils in Sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Science Communication, 22(05):3.
Motloutsi, A., & Lubinga, E. 2023. Assessing awareness, knowledge, and perceptions of hubbly bubbly smoking health risks among South African university students. Communicare, 42 (1): 97-112.
Lubinga, E. 2022. Exploring Mixed Gendered Peer-To-Peer Conversations as a Primary Cancer Prevention Communication Strategy among South African Youth. Gender and Behaviour, 20 (4): 20457 – 20468.
Malatji, J., Lubinga, E., & Oksiutycz, A. 2022. Examining Public Awareness of the Office of the Tax Ombudsman in South Africa. Journal of Public Administration, 57 (2): 101-113.
Sitto, K., Lubinga, E., Chiumbu, S., Sobane, K., & Mpofu, N. 2022. Evaluating South African and Namibian governments’ use of digital media during Covid‐19. World Medical & Health Policy. 1–18.
Manthata. M.M.& Lubinga, E. 2021. Exploring Knowledge and Behavioural Intentions for Implant Contraceptives Uptake among Rural South African Young Women. Gender and Behaviour, 19 (2): 17950 – 17963.
Lubinga, E., Sitto, K. & Molebatsi, K. 2021. Health disparities and the digital divide within South African disadvantaged communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 13 (2): 285–302.
Sitto, K., Lubinga, E., & Geya, M. 2021. The power of narrative health communication: Exploring possible effects of first-hand experiential stories on cancer awareness amongst university students. Journal of Transdisciplinary Research of South Africa. 2021;17(1), a1008.
de Rosa, A.S., Mannarini, T., de Montes, L.G., Holman, A., Lauri, M.A., Negura, L., Giacomozzi, A.I., Bousfield., A.B., Justo, A.M., Alba, M., Seidmann, S., Permanadeli, R., Sitto, K., & E. Lubinga. 2021. Sensemaking processes and social representations of COVID-19 in multi-voiced public discourse: Illustrative examples of institutional and media communication in ten countries. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 7 (1): 13-53.
Sitto, K & Lubinga, E. 2021. “My Birth Control Makes Me Emotionally Psycho”: Online Female Narratives about Contraceptives. Communicatio, 47 (2): 96-121.
Books and chapters in books:
Edited Books:
Angelopulo, G., & Lubinga E (eds). 2024. Introduction to Communication Studies in Southern Africa. Cape Town: Juta.
Lubinga, E., Sobane, K., & Sitto-Kaunda, K (eds). 2024. Perspectives on Health Communication from Selected sub-Saharan African Contexts. Johannesburg: UJ Press.
Radebe, M.J., Sitto-Kaunda, K & Lubinga, E. (eds). 2024. Public Sector Communication in the Digital Age, Johannesburg: UJ Press.
Book Chapters:
Lubinga, E. 2024. Nonverbal Communication. In: G. Angelopulo & E. Lubinga (eds.), Introduction to Communication Studies, (pp.85-111). Cape Town: Juta.
Lubinga, E. 2024. Public health communication in South Africa: concepts, contemporary issues and challenges. In: M.J. Radebe, Sitto-Kaunda, K & Lubinga, E. (eds.) Public Sector Communication in the Digital Age, (pp.173-200). Johannesburg: UJ Press.
Lubinga, E., & Motloutsi, A.M. 2024. Decolonising health communication strategies: the inclusion of traditional healers from sub-saharan Africa into multi-sectoral health crisis communication interventions. In: E. Lubinga, K. Sobane & Sitto-Kaunda, K (eds.) Perspectives on Health Communication from Selected sub-Saharan African Contexts. (pp.67-85). Johannesburg: UJ Press.
de Rosa, A.S., Mannarini, T., de Montes, L.G., Holman, A., Lauri, M.A., Negura, L., Giacomozzi, A.I., Bousfield., A.B., Justo, A.M., Alba, M., Seidmann, S., Permanadeli, R., Sitto, K., & E. Lubinga. 2024. Représentations sociales de la COVID-19 dans dix pays du monde: le discours public à plusieurs voix des experts, des leaders politiques et des institutions à travers différents medias. In: Christophe Premat, Jean-Michel De Waele, and Michel Perottino. Comparing the place of experts during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stockholm University Press
Lubinga, E. & Sitto, K. 2021. Health Communication in Africa. In: Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies. W. Mano & v.C.Milton (eds). 1st edition. (pp. 217-233). New York: Routledge.
Sitto, K., & Lubinga, E. 2021. Radio and Digital Convergence in South Africa. In. Radio, Public Life and Citizen Deliberation in South Africa, S. Chiumbu & G. Motsaathebe. (eds).1st edition. (pp.176-196)). New York: Routledge
Conference participation (in the last 5 years):
Lubinga, E. 2024. Re-thinking Health Crisis Communication for Future Health Crises: Paradoxes between Policies and Public Socio-Cultural Norms and Behaviour. Shifting Global Landscapes: African Perspectives on Power, Communication and Futures Cluj-Napoca, Romania 22 November-Speaker
Lubinga, E. 2024. COVID-19 and Crisis Communication in Namibia: Lessons for Future Health Crises. International Conference Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution Cluj-Napoca, Romania 17-18 April (Virtual)- Speaker
Lubinga, E. 2024. Using Innovative Health Communication Strategies among Adolescents and Young Women (AGYW) to Mitigate Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa. SACOMM. Stellenbosch, South Africa 10-12 September- Speaker
Lubinga, E. 2023. Bringing Culture back in: Reimagining Media, Communication and Youth engagement in a digital Age. 2023 Makerere University Annual Media Convention, Kampala, Uganda 12 October- Keynote Address
Motloutsi, A & Lubinga, E. 2023. Acculturation of and Perceptions towards Health Risks Associated with Hubbly Bubbly Use among South African University students. International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Lyon, France, 8-11 July- Speaker
Lubinga, E. 2022. Reflections on Health Crisis Communication during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Multi-Sectoral and Multimedia Responses from South Africa and Namibia. Hybrid Webinar. 4 July. The Capital Hotel, Pretoria-Speaker