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Professor: Mathematics Education
Name: Erica Spangenberg
Location: B Ring 433 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education, MSTEd Staff, NRF Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 4934
About Prof Erica Spangenberg
Prof Erica D Spangenberg is a C 2 NRF-rated researcher. Her research focuses on Mathematics Education in blended learning environments to foster 21st-century competencies. This niche has a three-way focus: (1) teaching and learning approaches in mathematics; (2) affective characteristics to shape behaviour in the 21st century; and (3) the use of technology. Other research interests include Ethno-Mathematics, pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics, problem-solving-based learning, including mathematical modelling, visualisation, and ICT in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Undergraduate teaching includes: Teaching Methodology and Practicum (Mathematics)
Postgraduate Teaching includes: PG (Dip); BEd Hons; MEd and PhD (Mathematics in Education)
Teaching in Research Methodology programmes: BEd Honours (Issues in Mathematics Education and Research Project)
Master’s students (Supervisor)
Baumgartner, WL 2016. A dual-intervention strategy for Mathematical Literacy learners for selected undergraduate studies (Cum Laude and Chancellor’s medal)
De Freitas, G 2018. A professional development programme to advance the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of senior phase mathematics teachers in South Africa (Cum Laude and Chancellor’s medal).
Alphane, K P 2020. Strategies for solving word problems on number patterns for grade 9 mathematics teachers in rural schools.
Asmail, R 2020. Values that grade 8 to 10 learners from a public mathematics-and-science focus school in Johannesburg associate with mathematics learning (Cum Laude).
Madosi, T 2020. Values that grade 9 learners from a public school in the Ekurhuleni district of Gauteng associate with mathematics learning.
Roberts, A K 2020. Grade 12 peer-tutors’ conceptions of their role as motivators for grades 8 and 9 mathematics learners.
Magabvu, B 2021. Elements of pedagogical content knowledge displayed by mathematics teachers in the teaching of trigonometry (Cum Laude).
Fortune, A 2022. The use of a mandala-colouring activity to investigate grade 10 learners’ mathematics anxiety (Cum Laude).
PhD students (Supervisor)
Kotze, J H 2018. The influence of an educational intervention on the visualization of engineering students.
Baumgartner, WL 2022. Design principles for a pre-undergraduate foundation programme mathematics course informing academic growth.
Accredited publications:
Baumgartner, W.L., Spangenberg, E.D., & Lautenbach, G.V. (2024). Relating motivation and learning strategies to algebra course results in a foundation programme. Pythagoras, 45(1), a781. (
Oladele, J.I., Ndlovu, M., Spangenberg, E.D., Daramola, D.S., & Obimuyiwa, G.A. (2024). Transitioning to Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education: Opportunities for Producing 21st-Century Pre-Service Teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kurdish Studies, 12(2), 609–626. ( (
Spangenberg, E.D. (2024). Pre-service teachers’ experiences of teaching mathematics online during practicum in an African context due to COVID-19. In U. Ramnarain & M Ndlovu (Eds.), Information and Communications Technology in STEM Education (pp. 116–144). London and New York: Routledge Tailor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-1-032-22668-2. (
Oladele, J., Ndlovu, M., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2023). Application of 4IR for STEAM education in higher education and implications for developing countries: A systematic review. Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, 6(2), 2162–2181. (
Fortune, A. & Spangenberg, E.D. (2023). Trait- and state-components of mathematics anxiety versus perceived mathematics anxiety. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 11(6), 1366-1385.
Chirinda, B., Ndlovu, M., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2023). Equitable mathematical problem-solving instruction: An inquiry. In B. Chirinda, P. Barmby, & K. Luneta (Eds.), Mathematical problem solving in South Africa: Research & Practice (pp. 44–62). South Africa: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-77615-137-0.
Oladele, J.I., Ndlovu, M., Spangenberg, E.D., & Ramdhany, V. (2022). Item Bank Development and Validation for Ability Estimation: Postgraduate Certification in Education (Mathematics) Computer Adaptive Testing Application. PONTE Journal, 78(10), 129–146. (
Oladele, J.I., Ndlovu, M., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2022). Simulated computer adaptive testing method choices for ability estimation with empirical evidence. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 11(3), 1392–1399. (
Chirinda, B., Ndlovu, M., & Spangenberg, E. (2022). Mathematics learners’ perceptions of emergency remote teaching and learning during the COVID-19 lockdown in a disadvantaged context. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 21(1), 179–194. (
Baumgartner, W.L., Spangenberg, E.D., & Lautenbach, G.V. (2021). Developing algebraic knowledge: Foundation programme ex-mathematical literacy students’ perceptions. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(11), em2026. (
Spangenberg, E.D. (2021d). Manifesting of pedagogical content knowledge on trigonometry in teachers’ practice. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 5(3), 135–163. (
Spangenberg, E. (2021c, July 14-16). Mathematics pre-service teachers’ views about the affordances of a flipped classroom towards their professional development. In Z. Jojo, & M. Du Plooy (Eds). Developing Equitable Mathematical Teaching and Learning Practices that Empower Teachers and Learners in the 4IR Era. Paper presented virtually at the 26th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education (AMESA), South Africa (Mpumalanga 290–305). Johannesburg, S.A.: AMESA. ISBN 978-0-620-94779-4.
Spangenberg, E. (2021b, July 14-16). The influence of wording in a mathematics assessment activity on performance. In Z. Jojo, & M. Du Plooy (Eds). Developing Equitable Mathematical Teaching and Learning Practices that Empower Teachers and Learners in the 4IR Era. Paper presented virtually at the 26th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education (AMESA), South Africa (pp. 393–403). Johannesburg, S.A.: AMESA. ISBN 978-0-620-94779-4.
Chirinda, B., Ndlovu, M., & Spangenberg, E. (2021). Teaching mathematics during the COVID-19 lockdown in a context of historical disadvantage. Education Sciences, 11(4), 177–191. (
Spangenberg, E.D. (2021a). Student-teachers’ views on the affordances of incorporating cultural artifacts in mathematics lessons in South Africa. In I. C. Chahine, & J. de Beer (Eds.), Evidence-Based Inquiries in Ethno-STEM Research: Investigations in Knowledge Systems across Disciplines and Transcultural Settings. (pp. 101–123). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Ubah, I.J.A., & Spangenberg, E. (2020, October 20-21). Prospective Mathematics Teachers Perception of Online Education in Mathematics Education Modules: Insight from COVID-19 Pandemic Era. In M. Motseke, M. Chitiyo, U.I. Ogbonnaya, O.C. Dada, & G. Charles-Ogan (Eds). Rethinking teaching and learning in the 21st century. Paper presented virtually at the South Africa International Conference on Education (SAICEd), South Africa (pp. 116–129). Cape Town, S.A.: African Academic Research Forum. ISBN 978-0-620-89546-0.
Roberts, A.K., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2020). Peer tutors’ views on their role in motivating learners to learn mathematics. Pythagoras, 41(1), a520. (
Asmail, R., Spangenberg, E.D., & Ramdhany, V. (2020). What grade 8 to 10 learners from a mathematics-and-science-focus school value as important in the learning of mathematics. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 24(2), 241–252. (
Ubah, I.J.A., Spangenberg, E., & Ramdhany, V. (2020). Blended learning approach to mathematics education modules: An analysis of pre-service teachers’ perceptions. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(7), 298 –319. (
Ndlovu, M., Ramdhany, V., Spangenberg, E. D., & Govender, R. (2020). Preservice teachers’ beliefs and intentions about integrating mathematics teaching and learning ICTs in their classrooms. ZDM, 52(7), 1365-1380. (
Spangenberg, E. D., & Van Putten, S. (2020). Relating Elements of Mathematics Anxiety with the Gender of Preservice Mathematics Teachers. Gender & Behaviour, 18(2), 15631–15641, (
Madosi, T., Spangenberg, E.D., & Ramdhany, V. (2020). The values learners consider as important in the learning of mathematics. Perspectives in Education, 38(1), 181–196. (
Spangenberg, E. D., & Pithmajor, A. K. (2020). Grade 9 mathematics learners’ strategies in solving number-pattern problems. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(7), em1862. (
De Freitas, G., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2019). Mathematics teachers’ levels of TPACK and ICT-integration barriers. Pythagoras, 40(1), a431. (
Kotze, H., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2019). Engineering students’ actions in a mathematical modelling task: Mediating mathematical understanding in a computer algebra system. Perspectives in Education, 37(2), 75–87. (
Spangenberg, E. (2019, October 21-25). An exploratory study on the mindsets and motivation of mathematics teachers. In J. Kriek, A. Ferreira, K. Padayachee, S. van Putten, D. Mogashana, W Raucher, H Atagana & M. Speight Vaughn (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science, and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa (pp. 165–171). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-77615-062-5.
Ubah, I.J.A., Spangenberg, E., & Ramdhany, V. (2019, September 16-18). Blended learning approaches at higher education institutions to prepare mathematics pre-service teachers for practice: A review of literature. In M.Z. Ramorola, & U.I. Ogbonnaya (Eds). Rethinking teaching and learning in the 21st century. Paper presented at the South Africa International Conference on Education (SAICEd), Manhattan Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa (pp. 125–137). Cape Town, S.A.: African Academic Research Forum. ISBN 978-0-6399047-2-6.
Kotze, H., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2018, October 22-25). Understandings revealed by engineering students’ actions in a CAS task. In J. Kriek, A. Ferreira, K. Padayachee, S. van Putten, & B. Seo (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science, and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Skukuza Camp, Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa (pp. 347–353). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-77615-047-2.
Spangenberg, E. (2018, October 22-25). Opinions about mathematics anxiety: how to reduce it. In J. Kriek, A. Ferreira, K. Padayachee, S. van Putten, & B. Seo (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science, and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Skukuza Camp, Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa (pp. 107–113). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-77615-047-2.
Baumgartner, W.L., Spangenberg, E.D., & Jacobs, G.J. (2018). Contrasting motivation and learning strategies of ex-mathematics and ex-mathematical literacy students. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32(2), 8–26. (
Kotze, H., Jacobs, G.J., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2017). Mathematical modelling for engineering diploma students: Perspectives on visualisation. In G. A. Stillman, W Blum, & GG. Kaiser (Eds.), Mathematical modelling and applications: Crossing and researching Boundaries in Mathematics Education (pp. 541–551). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG.
Spangenberg, E.D. (2017). The interplay between theory and practice: Mathematics pre-service teachers’ learning experiences at a teaching school. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 12(2), pp. 92–112.(
Spangenberg, E.D., & Myburgh, C. (2017). Comparing South African female and male pre-service teachers’ beliefs about the nature of mathematics. Africa Education Review, 14(2). (
Spangenberg, E.D. (2017). Comparing the achievement goal orientation of mathematics learners with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. South African Journal of Education,37(3): Art. # 1419, 11 pages. (
Kotze, H., & Spangenberg, E. (2017, July 24-27). Eliciting engineering diploma students’ visualisation with techno-modelling tasks. In B. Leibowitz (Ed). Paper presented at the 2017 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in the South Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa (pp. 1–10). Johannesburg, SA: University of Johannesburg. ISBN 978-0-86970-803-3.
Kotze, H., Jacobs, G., & Spangenberg, E. (2016, October 24-28). Identifying subscales of visualisation in a literacy test for engineering students. In L.D. Mogari (Ed). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, South Africa (pp. 336-350). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-86888-833-7.
Kotze, H., Jacobs, G., & Spangenberg, E. (2015, October 25-29). Attitudes of biomedical technology students towards mathematical modelling. In L.D. Mogari (Ed). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, South Africa (pp. 136-148). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-86888-833-7.
Spangenberg, E.D. 2015. Voorbeelde van kulturele artefakte in die voorbereiding van ’n wiskundeles’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 34(1), Art. #1310, 9 pages. (http:// v34i1.1310).
Spangenberg, E. (2014, October 19-23). Mathematics student-teachers’ experiences of mentoring at a teaching school in South Africa. In D. Mogari, U.I. Ogbonnaya, & K Padayachee (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, South Africa (pp. 81-90). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-86888-800-9.
Jacobs, G. J., & Spangenberg, E. D. (2014, October 19-23). Mathematics teachers’ attitudes towards the subject: the influence of gender, age and teaching experience. In D. Mogari, U.I. Ogbonnaya, & K Padayachee (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, South Africa (pp. 91-100). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-86888-800-9.
Baumgartner, W., Spangenberg, E., & Jacobs, G. J. (2014, October 19-23). Motivation strategies of ex-mathematical literacy learners in a university foundation programme. In D. Mogari, U.I. Ogbonnaya, & K Padayachee (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, South Africa (pp. 101-110). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press. ISBN 978-1-86888-800-9.
Spangenberg, E. D. (2014, July 07-11). A comparison of the achievement goal orientation of mathematics leaners with/without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In M. Lebitso, & A. Maclean (Eds). Demystifying Mathematics. Paper presented at the 20th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, Kimberly (pp. 234-245). Johannesburg, SA: AMESA.
Spangenberg, E. D. (2013, October 21-24). The effect of differentiated teaching on learner achievement of grade 8 mathematics learners with special educational needs in South Africa. In D. Mogari, A. Mji, & U.I. Ogbonnaya (Eds). Towards effective teaching and meaningful learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Paper presented at ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, South Africa (pp. 507-529). Pretoria, SA: Unisa Press.
Spangenberg, E.D. (2012). Thinking styles of Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy learners: Implications for subject choice. Pythagoras, 33(3), Art. #179, 12 pages. ( pythagoras.v33i3.179).