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Name: Imanol Ordorika
Distinguished Visiting Professors, Distinguished Visiting Professors, Faculty of Education Staff Members
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About Prof Imanol Ordorika
Imanol Ordorika is professor of Social Sciences and Education at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and General Director for Institutional Assessment at UNAM and creator of the online Comparative Study of Mexican Universities. He has been awarded the Chaire d’Études Mexicaines Alfonso Reyes at the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine (IHEAL); Université PARIS III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France; the Frank Talbott Jr. University Chair (Cátedra Universitaria Frank Talbott Jr.) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. He is author of Power and Politics in University Governance (2003) and co-editor of the ASHE reader Comparative Education (2010) and the book, Universities and the Public Sphere (2011).
Recent Publications:
Ordorika, I., Rodríguez-Gomez, R. and Lloyd, M. (2018). Federalism and higher education in Mexico. In Carnoy, M., Froumin, I., Leshukov, O. and Marginson, S. (eds.). Federalism and Higher Education: A Comparative Study. California, USA: Sage Publications.
Ordorika, I. (2017). Knowledge and change in contemporary postcolonial universities. In Michael Cross and Amasa Ndofirepi (eds.). Knowledge and Change in African Universities. Johannesburg, South Africa: Sense Publishers.
Ordorika, I. and Lloyd, M. (2015.) Critical Theories of the State and Contest in Higher Education in the Globalized Era. In Martínez-Alemán, A., Bensimon, E. and Pusser, B. (eds). Critical Approaches to the Study of Higher Education: A Practical Introduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.