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Name: Kakoma Luneta
Location: GNA 212, Robert Sobukwe Building Soweto Campus
Department of Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, NRF Rated Researchers, Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 5246
About Prof Kakoma Luneta
Dr Luneta is an NRF rated researcher and Professor of Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg, where he has been a faculty member since January 2005. Dr Luneta holds a PhD in Mathematics Teacher Education from the University of Witwatersrand and master’s in mathematics Teacher Education from the University of Sussex – England. His research interest is in Mathematics Teachers Education at Secondary and Elementary school; Mathematics/numeric cognition and Professional Development and Mentorship of Mathematics Teachers. He has taught mathematics and physics in various Northern and Southern African countries, the UK and the US. He has supervised to completion several masters and doctoral students from Sub Sahara Africa, Greece and South Korea. He has been appointed a visiting Professor of Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver Canada and was once a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in the US, Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia and recently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge – Centre for Neuroscience Education. He has published five books, over 100 book chapters and articles in accredited journals. He is the Editor in Chief of the newly launched African Journal of Teacher Education and Development.
Luneta, K., & Schäfer, M. (2024). Mathematics Teacher Training and Development in Africa. Trends at Primary and Secondary School Levels.Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability. C Wyatt‐Smith (Series Editor). Springer.
Motseki, P. & Luneta, K. (2024) Exploring TVET students’ errors in optimisation problems: An error analysis perspective. Submitted to the African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Baidoo, J., & Luneta, K. (2024). Implementing blended learning to enhance the teaching of 3-dimensional trigonometry. Journal of Education and E-Learning Research, 11(2), 332–344.
Molise, D. C & Luneta, K (2024). An overview of the causes of dyscalculia and its impact on learners’ arithmetic ability. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning – 19 (1) 124-144
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