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Unit Co-ordinator/Associate Professor of Cultures & Mythologies
Name: Dr Llewellyn Howes
Location: B Ring 510A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Greek and Latin Studies Academic Staff, Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 3597
About Prof Llewellyn Howes
Title of Ph.D. dissertation The Sayings Gospel Q within the Contexts of the Third and Renewed Quests for the Historical Jesus: Wisdom and Apocalypticism in the First Century
Name of institution where Ph.D. was obtained University of Pretoria
Title of courses taught in the department
Classical Culture and Mythologies 1A
Classical Culture and Mythologies 1B
Classical Culture and Mythologies 3A
Classical Culture and Mythologies 3B
Description of current research project
The redactional layering of the Sayings Gospel Q;
The unity and flow of Q’s formative stratum;
The parables of Jesus;
The mission discourse in the Sayings Gospel Q;
The message of Jesus to the peasantry and poor;
Poverty in the ancient world.
Research interests
The Sayings Gospel Q; Historical Jesus studies; Ancient and modern poverty; Mythology; The parables of Jesus; Ancient agriculture; Ancient slavery.
Areas of supervision of M- and D-students
Historical Jesus studies; The parables of Jesus; The Sayings Gospel Q; Ancient mythology; Son of Man research; The Gospel of Thomas; Early Christianity; Biblical Studies; New Testament Studies; The Synoptic Gospels; Textual studies.
Title(s) and date(s) of FIVE (5) most recent publication(s)
Article: “From the Earth of Africa: Q Research in South Africa” (2019);
Article: “Q’s Message to the Peasantry and Poor: Considering Three Texts in the Sayings Gospel” (2019);
Article: “‘You Will Not Get Out Of There!’: Reconsidering the Placement of Q 12:58-59” (2018);
Article: “‘Make an Effort to Get Loose’: Reconsidering the Redaction of Q 12:58-59” (2017);
Article: “Puzzling the Jesus of the Parables: A Response to Ruben Zimmermann” (2017)
Title(s) of most sited work(s) Book: Judging Q and Saving Jesus: Q’s Contribution to the Wisdom-Apocalypticism Debate in Historical Jesus Studies (2015)