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Senior Lecturer
Name: Mafor Penn
CALTSTEAM Staff, Department Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education, MSTEd Staff Staff Members
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About Prof Mafor Penn
Mafor Penn (PhD) is an associate professor at the Centre for Advanced Learning Technology in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (CALTSTEAM) and the Department of Science and Technology Education at the University of Johannesburg. She holds a Ph.D. in Science Education, a Masters in Science Education (MEd with distinction), and a BSc in Biochemistry (Upper Hons). Prof Penn currently does research in technology-enhanced science education with a focus on the affordances of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VAR) in science teaching and learning, simulation-enhanced science learning and Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE). She has also published some of her work in reputable journals and various national and international conferences, including SAARMSTE (Southern African countries), ISTE (South Africa), ICET, ICPE, ICESS & END (International). Before joining the University of Johannesburg, Mafor spent eight years in high school teaching Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Technology in South African schools.